DanChurchAid works to eradicate poverty globally, and it is important that we are present in the world’s hot spots. We have established a number of regional offices and mine clearing programmes around the world that are in close contact with the local organisations we work with and the people we work for.
DanChurchAid is headquartered at Mehldalsgade 3 in Copenhagen. We also have offices for our volunteers in Århus, Kolding, and Aalborg. Our many second-hand shops (Danish) are spread throughout the country.
Council, Board of Directors, and Partner Group
The ultimate authority at DanChurchAid is our Council, which is responsible for establishing principles and making overall decisions for the organisation, approving our finances, and appointing a large part of our board of directors. The Council is elected by a number of people who are active in the work of DanChurchAid.
DanChurchAid’s board of directors approves the activities and budget for the year and is in close communication with the management. The board of directors is involved in recruiting senior management for DanChurchAid.
View the members of the council and board of directors (Danish)
Members of the Council and the board of directors are unpaid and are not reimbursed for lost earnings. Travel within Denmark is reimbursed according to government regulations, i.e. the cheapest mode of public transport, or the applicable government rate for driving a private car.
DanChurchAid’s partner group is responsible for advising the board of directors and the management regarding our international work, and they help ensure that we are always working effectively for the benefit of the world’s poorest.
The partner group is selected from our partners worldwide.
Organisational Charts
See how we are organised in the organisational charts below.
Overall Structure

International Department

Engagement Department

Finance Department