DanChurchAid in 2023
In 2023, DanChurchAid (DCA) reached 5 million people in need and generated an income of DKK 1 billion in supportof its humanitarian and development work.
- DKK 207 million came from the DCA’s collections, second-hand and Wefood stores, and private donors, including 44,000 regular contributors. DKK 816 million came from Danida, EU, USAID, UN and other international donors and funds.
- DCA’s work was supported by 13,283 volunteers.
- DCA’s humanitarian and development work was carried out through its 20 country programmes by 1,260 employees, together with 198 partners.
Development assistance and Humanitarian assistance

The activities of DCA in 2023 reflected the massive humanitarian needs brought about by recent years’ crises and wars.
The majority of our funds were allocated to finance humanitarian efforts. In 2023, DCA delivered humanitarian assistance in conflict settings including Gaza, Ukraine, and Sudan, and in disaster settings such as the food crisis in the Horn of Africa, the floods in Libya, as well as the earthquake in Türkiye and Syria.
In development settings, DCA activities continued to strenghten the socio-economic resilience of vulnerable people and empower marginalised groups, including through its human rights work. In many fragile contexts, DCA’s efforts increasingly sought to combine humanitarian and development assistance and where relevant integrate conflict prevention and peace building activities.

Among the 20 Country Programmes DCA supported in 2023, South Sudan (including Sudan) had the highest turnover of DKK 119.5 million, Syria followed with DKK 72.5 million, Ukraine with DKK 55.0 million, and Ethiopia with DKK 54.5 million.
Geographically, Sub-Saharan Africa continues to be the region with the highest turnover, and in 2023 DCA’s expenditure in Africa was equivalent to 46% of total DCA expenditure, followed by Middle East and North Africa (23%), Asia (8%) and Ukraine (6%).
Fundraising, information, and personnel

In 2023, personnel and operating costs for our headoffice and country offices amounted to DKK 362.3 million.
Expenditures for information and fundraising amounted to DKK 74.7 million.

The administration percentage overall remained at the same level as in 2022

A record-high amount of DKK 207 million came from DCA’s private donors in 2023, including donations from the public in Denmark as well as profits from the second-hand and Wefood stores that DCA operates in Denmark.
DKK 816 million, corresponding to 80% of the revenue, came from institutional donors, the largest of which was Danida.
Annual report 2023
Annual report 2022 (2.6 MB)
Annual report 2021 (4 MB)
Annual report 2020 (1.34 MB)
Annual report 2019 (2.14 MB)
Annual report 2018 in prose
Annual report 2017 in prose (1.08 MB)
Annual report 2016 in prose (1.05 MB)
Annual report 2015 in prose (1,023.24 KB)
Annual report 2014 in prose (1.05 MB)
Annual report 2013 in prose (2.76 MB)
Annual report 2012 in prose (1.19 MB)
Annual report 2011 in prose (2.46 MB)
Annual report 2010 in prose (2.83 MB)
Annual report 2013 in numbers (3.24 MB)
Annual report 2012 in numbers (956.49 KB)
Annual report 2011 in numbers (1.13 MB)
Annual report 2010 in numbers (1.11 MB)