© Folkekirkens Nødhjælp Mine action

DanChurchAid in Lebanon

DCA aims to ensure safe access to land by clearing it of landmines, cluster munitions and other unexploded ordnance. DCA also partners with national NGOs on humanitarian programmes in the areas of education, livelihoods, protection and basic assistance, supporting vulnerable communities.

Main activities

Humanitarian Mine Action

DCA has cleared over eight square kilometres of residential and agricultural land contaminated. This is equivalent to more than 1,200 football pitches. DCA also undertakes non-technical survey activities in Mount Lebanon to gather data on the remaining contamination and its socio-economic impact, freeing up land faster and more efficiently.

Mine and cluster munition clearance not only reduces the risk of harm from explosion, but it also releases previously contaminated land back to communities for socio-economic development. In the context of rising demands from the local and refugee population, this is key to supporting the poorest people in Lebanon make a living to support their families.

Humanitarian Response

In line with the Lebanon Crisis Response Plan and the Emergency Response Plan, DCA and its partners provide education and empowerment activities to women and young people to enable them to improve their livelihood and income generation possibilities.

Protection and psychosocial support are mainstreamed within these activities to improve the well-being of vulnerable people, enhancing their ability to cope with psychosocial stress. DCA and its partners provide sustainable solutions while promoting well-being, resilience and social cohesion among Lebanese host communities and Palestinian and Syrian refugee populations, especially young people and women.

Agricultural Restoration

DCA is designing a new approach to link the clearance of land contaminated by landmines and cluster munitions to ensure better sustainable management and use of natural resources to increase productivity in agriculture, while supporting efforts to tackle the effects of climate change and its local impacts.

This includes increasing the farming communities access to both existing and new markets inside and outside of their region, maximising the value chain approach, empowering women, and young people as key participants. This will deliver a sustainable development approach for the long‐term benefit of the agriculture sector and people that rely upon it in Lebanon.

DCA Lebanon in numbers

70 employees

24,600 beneficiaries

10 partners

26,500,000 DKK turnover


DCA operations in Lebanon are supported by Danida, US Department of State, Embassy of Japan in Lebanon, and Novo Nordisk Foundation


DanChurchAid Lebanon

P. O. Box 139
Near Bakry Centre Al Housh
Tyre, South Lebanon

E-mail: info-lebanon@dca.dk

Country Director
Mike Bonke