The Issue
The Ukraine National Mine Action Centre considers that 25 percent of the national Ukrainian territory has been exposed to war and therefore has the potential to be contaminated with explosive hazards. The use of explosives has caused major damage to civilian and industrial infrastructure across much of Ukraine, resulting in the contamination of air, soil, and water resources with potential negative effects on health and the agricultural sector. Due to the proximity to the frontline, and the former occupation of parts of Mykolaiv and Kherson oblasts, civilians living and returning to these areas are exposed to the risk of explosive ordnances, affecting their ability to access their basic needs. The contamination of agricultural land has had – and continues to have – a direct impact on food security as well as on the livelihoods of those who rely on farming as their primary source of income.
The Project
Since July 2023, DCA has conducted non-technical surveys in Mykolaiv oblast, identifying and marking almost 1,000,000 sqm as confirmed hazardous areas and more than 110,000 sqm as suspected hazardous areas. These include agricultural land, civilian infrastructure, and a public cemetery. Without technical surveys and clearance, these areas remain unsafe and unusable, impacting livelihoods and food security.
To address this, DCA will perform technical surveys and either manual mine clearance or battle area clearance in suspected and confirmed hazardous areas. This means that deminers will clear land of dangers from explosive ordnance, which will be handed back to communities.
The mine clearance enables agricultural activities, safe access to infrastructure, and improved livelihoods for population in Mykolaiv and Kherson. Agricultural land is prioritized to enhance food security, with areas prepared for planting, harvesting, and income generation.
Complementing this effort, DCA will provide cash grants of USD $800 to those whose livelihoods were disrupted, supporting economic recovery. Community liaison during the land release process will address specific needs and ensure beneficiaries are informed of land status changes, improving safety and security. By releasing contaminated land and addressing livelihood needs, DCA’s intervention supports recovery, safe returns, and reintegration in Mykolaiv and Kherson, contributing to long-term community resilience.
The Change
This project aims to create a safe foundation for communities in Mykolaiv and Kherson, enabling the return of displaced persons, and enhancing local and national capacities. It focuses on clearing explosive ordnance from agricultural land, improving safety for residents, and building partnerships with national mine action operators.
The outcomes include:
- Restored Agricultural Productivity: Communities will regain access to agricultural land, enabling planting, harvesting, and income generation, which improves food security and livelihoods.
- Increased Community Safety: Residents will feel safer and experience reduced threats from explosive ordnance, creating greater confidence in rebuilding their lives and using cleared land and infrastructure.
- Sustainable Mine Action Capacity: Local mine action partners will have enhanced capabilities to address future contamination challenges, ensuring long-term safety and resilience for affected communities.
Key activities include technical surveys to confirm explosive presence, mine and explosive ordnance clearance, and explosive ordnance disposal in partnership with local authorities. Cleared land will then be formally handed over to communities, ensuring safe and productive use.
By addressing explosive ordnance contamination, this initiative supports food security, economic recovery, and long-term resilience, improving the livelihoods and safety of impacted communities.
Our Work
DCA/NCA works in Ukraine to empower individuals and communities to enhance their resilience in the face of the diverse and devastating impacts of war. Our focus is on assisting communities in mitigating risks, adapting to challenges, and connecting long-term development efforts with emergency responses. We foster self-confidence, trust, and community cohesion.
About the project
Full title: Supporting the reconstruction process in Ukraine through mine action involving local and national actors in Mykolaiv and Kherson oblasts.
Period: May 2024 to May 2025
Funding: 10,000,000 DKK
Target: 348,000 sqm of land cleared and released
Main Donor: Danida