Syria is one of the most heavily mined countries in the world, and its northeastern region remains particularly burdened by deadly explosive remnants of war. DCA is at the forefront of mine clearance efforts, working to remove landmines, cluster bombs, and other unexploded ordnance while also rehabilitating schools, providing psychosocial support, and reviving agriculture.
Deadly remnants of war threaten everyday life
“People are terrified of stepping on a mine or triggering an explosive. And there are so many of them in northeast Syria,” says 22-year-old Oula, who has been working in mine clearance since she was a teenager.
A 2024 survey identified 749 hazardous areas in northeast Syria, covering a staggering 38 million square meters. These contaminated zones pose a direct threat to civilians, blocking roads, preventing children from attending school, and cutting off access to farmland and essential services.
Since 2011, landmines have killed 3,472 civilians, including 919 children.

“I recently heard about a boy – maybe 8 or 10 years old – who lost both his legs in an explosion. That should never happen. Our work ensures that children aren’t killed or maimed by landmines and bombs.”Botan Kamal, who switched from an office job to become a mine clearer three years ago
Restoring land, rebuilding lives

Agriculture, which employs nearly 45% of Syria’s population, has been devastated by the presence of landmines. DCA’s mine clearance teams are paving the way for economic recovery by making farmland safe again. So far, they have cleared over two million square meters of land and removed 7,855 explosive devices.
Despite these efforts, 11.5 million people in Syria still live under the constant threat of landmines. In Ar-Raqqa, children play among the ruins of bombed-out buildings, unknowingly surrounded by thousands of hidden explosives. The scars of war are everywhere – bullet-ridden walls, shrapnel-pocked streets, and entire neighborhoods reduced to rubble.
“We have found and removed thousands of explosives,” says 25-year-old Nour, who has been clearing mines for two and a half years. “As long as there are landmines in the ground, we have work to do.”
For the people of Ar-Raqqa, mine clearance is more than just removing explosives – it is about reclaiming their land, their safety, and their future.

About the project
- Exact/full title: Creating Safer Communities and Enabling Safe and Sustainable Returns, Encouraging Stabilization and Early Recovery in Ar-Raqqa, Northeast Syria (NES)
- Period: September 2022 – June 2024
- Amount: 4,500,000 EURO
- Number of people reached by end of the project: 26,182
- Donor(s): EU & Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark