
© Jjumba Martin

Climate responsibility for 100 years of activities

DanChurchAid has calculated its carbon footprint for its first 100 years and takes responsibility for historical and future emissions – the first major development organisation to take these measures.

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© Paul Jeffrey / ACT Alliance

Climate Adaptation

The impacts of climate change in vulnerable countries amplify the ramifications of existing inequities and related crises – the results range from failed harvest and food insecurity to conflicts and forced migration. Climate adaptation is a long term strategy to minimize the impact and the stress caused by climate change.

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© Kristian Skårhøj Andersen

Football stars tackle climate change

During the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023 players took personal climate responsibility – by donating funds to DCA’s climate work in Uganda.

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Rebeca Erupe is 30 years old and lives in Kenya. © Mark Njoroge

At the heart of the community

The power of local action in drought response in Turkana, Kenya – as told by Sarah Ndonye from DCA’s partner organisation ASAL Humanitarian Network

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