The Issue
Pibor County in South Sudan is plagued by persistent inter-communal conflicts and external attacks from neighbouring counties as Uror County. These conflicts have resulted in significant internal displacement, with over 32,000 individuals seeking refuge in Pibor County. The influx of displaced persons has created urgent humanitarian needs, including access to basic necessities such as non-food items, healthcare, shelter, protection, and livelihood assistance. Additionally, the county faces challenges from climate-induced disasters like floods, exacerbating the displacement crisis and further straining peacebuilding efforts.
Efforts to maintain peace and stability have been initiated, including preparing Conflict Emergency Response Preparedness (ERP). Despite logistical challenges posed by floods and poor road conditions, these preparedness measures have been established. However, the security situation remains volatile, with the potential for further revenge attacks without urgent and concrete intervention from governmental authorities, communities, and other stakeholders. In response, local authorities convened a community-led peace conference in 2023 to foster reconciliation and peaceful coexistence. However, more sustained efforts are needed to address the root causes of conflict and violence in the region.
The Project
To address the pressing challenges confronting the conflicting communities in Pibor and Uror County, DCA, in collaboration with local partner Youth Social Advocacy Team (YSAT), has launched a comprehensive intervention. This initiative is designed to foster safe, resilient, and harmonious coexistence between the conflicting counties of Pibor and Uror. DCA and YSAT are committed to bolstering the survival and recovery capabilities of vulnerable communities in response to sudden-onset emergencies. With a specific focus on youth engagement, these interventions aim to empower this demographic as catalysts for promoting inter-communal connectivity and social cohesion. Additionally, YSAT is conducting a series of targeted business skill trainings within local communities, emphasising sustainable livelihoods and income-generating activities. By addressing the root causes of vulnerability, this multifaceted approach seeks to build resilience and enhance the overall well-being of the affected populations.

The Change
The project aims to create profound change in Pibor and Uror Counties by addressing the multifaceted challenges plaguing their communities. Through a wide approach encompassing conflict resolution, youth empowerment, and sustainable livelihood development, the intervention seeks to instigate a transformative shift towards peace, resilience, and prosperity. By implementing Survivor and Community-led response activities, the project aims to fortify the capacity of vulnerable communities to navigate sudden-onset emergencies with resilience and efficacy. Through targeted engagement with youth, the initiative seeks to turn young community members into agents of positive change. Moreover, YSAT’s business skill training represent a pivotal step towards sustainable livelihood development, equipping community members with the tools and knowledge needed to address underlying vulnerabilities. By fostering economic empowerment and promoting social cohesion, the intervention lays the groundwork for enduring peace and prosperity in Pibor and Uror Counties.
Our Partner

DCA works with Youth Social Advocacy Team (YSAT) in Pibor and Uror Counties. YSAT is a youth-led NGO focusing on community empowerment, peacebuilding, and humanitarian aid. Operating in Uganda and South Sudan, YSAT collaborates with grassroots communities to address violent conflicts, food insecurity, and livelihood needs. They work with refugees, internally displaced people, and vulnerable host communities, enhancing conflict transformation, promoting sustainable livelihoods, agriculture, and skills development, and offering alternative learning opportunities.
Our Work
DCA South Sudan provides inclusive humanitarian and development assistance to the most vulnerable individuals and communities in areas affected by disasters and emergencies caused by conflict and climate change. We work to build safer communities through humanitarian mine action and explosive ordnance risk education in local communities and schools.
About the project
Full title: Promoting Community-led Resilient Initiatives in Pibor, South Sudan
Period: January 2024 – December 2024
Partner: Youth Social Advocacy Team (YSAT)
Funding: DKK 1,000,000
Main Donors: Danida