Decreasing vulnerable communities’ reliance on negative coping strategies in the Kurdish Region of Iraq (KRI) and Federal Iraq through the provision of vocational training, large-scale wellbeing activities, GBV services and a strengthening of self-empowerment service provisions.
The Issue
Despite large-scale military operations against Islamic State having ended, the context of Iraq remains complex, and it is estimated that 2,5 million people need humanitarian assistance. 1,18 million people remain internally displaced (IDPs) in Federal Iraq (FI), and there are currently 250,419 Syrian refugees and 623,331 IDPs residing in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI).
Coupled with the traumas resulting from fleeing, many women, men, and children have experienced sexual- and gender-based violence (SGBV) during the occupation by IS, which has led to an increasing number of people who rely on negative coping mechanisms to meet their basic needs.
The Project
The project is being implemented in Semal, KRI in partnership with Judy Organisation for Relief and Development (JORD) and Talafar, FI, in partnership with Women Rehabilitation Organization (WRO). The project targets Syrian Refugees, Iraqi IDPs and host communities, and aims to decrease their reliance on negative coping mechanisms such as early childhood marriages and child labour.

In close collaboration with JORD and WRO, DCA provides vocational training, large-scale welfare, and psychosocial activities and SGBV services to support communities in overcoming the challenges resulting from years of war and protracted crisis.
Women Rehabilitation Organization (WRO): Since 2003, WRO has increasingly become one of the most well-experienced women’s rights civil society organisations in Iraq. WRO works to promote women’s equal participation and leadership, improved access to health and education, and eradicate violence against women and poverty, among many other areas.
Located in Federal Iraq, WRO supports refugees, IDPs and host communities and supports their rights to “social justice, gender equality and a dignified life free from violence and discrimination” (WRO, Mission).
Judy Organisation for Relief and Development (JORD): JORD was established in 2021 by six Syrian refugees, who wanted to help members of their own community in Erbil, Duhok and surrounding areas.
JORD’s mandate is relief, development, and community support. JORD has a proven record of delivering psycho-social support (PSS), livelihood training and education to vulnerable groups. JORD’s community-centric approach to programming has enabled them to establish trust and strong relationships with the local communities.
Aim of the project
This project’s activities aim to support men, women, boys, and girls in coping with the psychological traumas and everyday challenges brought on by years of war and protracted crises.
Through psychosocial activities, access to quality SGBV services, and awareness-raising sessions on protection-related issues, this project seeks to create awareness and safe spaces, so communities are better supported in recognising emotions, building self-confidence and self-empowerment.

Moreover, the project aims to support communities in developing positive coping mechanisms to strengthen their well-being and resilience, thereby aiming to improve vulnerable communities’ mental health.
Furthermore, the project provides context-specific vocational training to support men and women in seeking livelihood opportunities and thereby mitigate their reliance on negative coping mechanisms, such as early childhood labour or childhood marriages, to meet their basic needs. The combination of psychosocial support, SGBV services and vocational training will not only build resilience toward the challenges they face but will also enable individuals and families to engage in productive activities and live a more dignified life with abilities to care for themselves.
The Change
In collaboration with Judy Organisation for Relief and Development (JORD), DCA has provided vocational training and large-scale well-being activities in Semal, KRI. The project provided vocational training to 255 men and 376 women.
Furthermore, 4274 people have participated in various large-scale well-being and psychosocial activities, which have covered subjects such as mental health, women’s and children’s rights and domestic abuse.

The project is also implemented in Talafar, FI, in collaboration with Women Rehabilitation Organization (WRO). 242 survivors of sexual and gender-based violence have received case management services and 136 women and girls have received dignity kits. 844 men, women and children have participated in structured psychosocial activities, and 129 people have completed vocational trainings. Lastly, WRO organised awareness-raising sessions on COVID-19 and SGBV and reached a total of 2238 people.
Our work
DCA has been present in Iraq since 2017 where it is registered in both Federal Iraq (FI) and The Kurdish Region of Iraq (KRI). DCA has offices in Erbil, Baghdad and Shirqat. DCA Iraq’s strategy focuses on supporting vulnerable communities and populations through humanitarian mine action, psychosocial support, capacity strengthening of local partners, and community-led crisis response. Combined, DCA Iraq supports communities in Iraq to overcome their challenges following years of war and protracted crisis.
About this project
Project title: Decreasing vulnerable communities’ reliance on negative coping strategies in the Kurdish Region of Iraq (KRI) and Federal Iraq through the provision of vocational training, large-scale wellbeing activities, GBV services and a strengthening of self-empowerment service provisions.
Period: 2021 to 2023
Partners: Judy Organisation for Relief and Development (JORD) and Women Rehabilitation Organisation (WRO)
Amount: 7,000,000 SEK
SDGs: SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being and SDG 4: Quality Education
Donor: Danmarks Indsamling (TV-Appeal)