Enhancing Food Security and Protection for Returnees and Displaced People

Cash Transfers offer a comprehensive, life-saving humanitarian response.

© Victoria Mørck Madsen

DCA South Sudan

The Issue

Food scarcity stands as the foremost concern among the population of South Sudan. In the five counties of Ulang, Fashoda, Ayod, Leer and Pibor food supplies fall dramatically short of meeting family needs, painting a grim picture.

Displacement, conflict, and climatic shifts exacerbate the crisis, with returnee influxes further straining already fragile resources. Over the past year, 72% of households in the five counties have encountered food and water shortages due to drought and conflict, while floods disrupted the food security of 62% of households.

The upheaval of livelihoods, compounded by rampant food insecurity, exposes women and children to heightened risks of exploitation and harm, prompting the adoption of negative coping mechanisms. Distressingly, a national study on violence against women and men in 2022 revealed that 58% of women and girls endured at least one form of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in the past year, underlining the urgent imperative for GBV prevention, risk mitigation, and the expansion of response services across priority counties.

The Project

Recognising the cost-effectiveness and efficacy of Multi-Purpose Cash Transfers (MPCT) in addressing multi-sectoral needs while upholding the dignity of affected populations, this initiative endeavours to offer a comprehensive, life-saving humanitarian response. By leveraging MPCT in tandem with targeted protection measures to combat Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and safeguard child welfare, the action seeks to provide a holistic solution to pressing humanitarian challenges. The overarching objective is clear: to enhance food security and bolster general protection services for vulnerable individuals. With a precise focus, the action sets its sights on reaching 20,802 individuals with MPCT interventions and extending protection services to 10,098 people, ensuring that aid reaches those who need it most.

The Change

The project intervention is poised to bring about transformative changes in the humanitarian landscape of South Sudan. By providing cash assistance, households will gain increased access to food and essential commodities, mitigating the effects of food scarcity and enhancing nutritional status. MPCT will also empower families to invest in income-generating activities, thereby strengthening livelihoods and promoting self-reliance.

Furthermore, the project will facilitate access to essential protection services, particularly targeting Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and child protection concerns. This involves awareness-raising campaigns, capacity-building initiatives, and the establishment of referral pathways to ensure survivors receive timely support. Through these interventions, the project seeks to empower women and children, reduce reliance on negative coping mechanisms, and build community resilience against future crises. Ultimately, the project aims to transform the lives of beneficiaries, fostering resilience, empowerment, and dignity within communities across South Sudan.

As the project is still being implemented, results are yet to be reported.

Our Partner

DCA works with Nile Hope to implement the project. Nile Hope (NH) is a local NGO established in 2004 responding to humanitarian needs in hard-to-reach areas. The organisation is well integrated into the community, and has vast local knowledge of the needs affecting the communities across sectors. NH has a physical and static presence in the five focus counties of the project: Ulang and Fashoda in Upper Nile state as well as Pibor, Fangak and Akobo in Jonglei state. NH has ongoing cash and market programs, while also working with a range of other partners, including EDC, UNFPA, SAADO, and World Vision.

Our Work

DCA’s work in South Sudan focuses on the triple nexus of humanitarian, development and peace work. We engage in the following range of activities, all with a cross-cutting focus on women and youth: Implementing humanitarian mine action, saving lives through humanitarian response, enhancing food security and livelihoods, strengthening peace and conflict mitigation, supporting women’s empowerment, and providing education.

About the project

Full title: Saving lives and enhancing food security with a specific focus on IDPs and returnees through multi-purpose cash programming supported by protection in Unity, Upper Nile, Jonglei States and GPAA, South Sudan.

Period: February 2024 – November 2024

Implementing partner: Nile Hope
Consortium partner: Christian Aid

Funding: EUR 1,500,000

Expected number of people reached: 26,265

Main Donor: European Union

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