The Issue
The project addresses significant challenges faced by Palestinian date farmers, including inconsistent market connections, outdated farming practices, lack of knowledge on safe production and quality standards, and limited access to finance for adopting new technologies. These issues result in reduced productivity and hinder sustainable growth. Additionally, farmers struggle with climate resilience and environmental sustainability. The project targets these issues by promoting socially and environmentally responsible farming models, improving market access, and integrating climate-resilient practices, thus aiming to enhance farmers’ livelihoods and contribute to sustainable, inclusive economic growth. This aligns with national development goals for sustainable environment and export market development.
The Project
The project has tackled the issue by promoting climate-smart farming practices and fostering sustainable development within the dates value chain. The project addressed key risks and constraints faced by farmers, such as inadequate farming techniques and market access challenges. By enhancing international demand for Palestinian dates, we aim to create a green, sustainable, and inclusive economy. This aligns with the Danish Embassy’s priorities in Palestine. DCA ensured continuous engagement with the Representative Office of Denmark in Ramallah to support these efforts and enhance the livelihoods of local farmers.
The Change
The intervention has contributed to improving the Palestinian date value chain by promoting climate-smart and sustainable farming practices. It focused on small scale farmers, enhancing production quality and capacity. The project encouraged responsible business practices and strengthened connections with local and international stakeholders, including retailers, which enhanced the visibility and market access of Palestinian dates in international markets. Despite the ongoing conflict in the West Bank, the project enabled the creation of greener supply chains, and for the first time, Palestinian dates were sold in Danish stores such as Bilka, Føtex, and Netto in week 50. This collaboration provided local farmers in the Jordan Valley with a stable income during challenging times.
The project has supported better livelihoods for farmers by promoting sustainable farming methods and practices that contribute to environmental resilience. Palestinian date producers have accessed new markets, enabling them to achieve fairer prices. Engagement with stakeholders has ensured alignment with broader goals, including those of the Danish Embassy, and laid the foundation for the continued development of the Palestinian date industry.
The Results
The project has achieved significant milestones, particularly in creating greener supply chains and improving market access for Palestinian dates. Despite challenges posed by the ongoing conflict in the West Bank, the project facilitated the entry of 20 tons of Palestinian dates into Danish stores such as Bilka, Føtex, and Netto for the first time during week 50. This breakthrough not only enhanced the visibility of Palestinian dates in international markets but also provided local farmers in the Jordan Valley with a stable source of income in a challenging economic and political environment. By fostering responsible business practices and strengthening connections with local and international stakeholders, the project has laid the groundwork for long-term sustainability and market competitiveness for Palestinian date producers.
Our Partners
Salling Group
Salling Group is Denmark’s largest retailer and the key commercial partner in the project. Salling Group will conduct the Quality and Safety testing of the date samples, participate in the partner trip to expand the stakeholder network and lead as an example for other Danish retailers.
Ethical Trade Denmark
Ethical Trade Denmark is a Danish multi-stakeholder platform for responsible and sustainable trade. The organization brings together private and public partners who want to make a difference in a movement for ethical trade. Ethical Trade Denmark will coordinate and facilitate key network events in Denmark and support the development of a Palestinian multi-stakeholder dialogue model on Responsible Business Conduct and greening.
MA’AN Development Center
MA’AN Development Center is an independent, non-governmental, non-partisan Palestinian development and training institution. In this project, MA’AN will carry out value chain analyses and trainings, as well as facilitate linkages with local stakeholders. The organization will help with greening technology assessments and demonstrations, and conduct Responsible Business Conduct activities in Palestine
GSOL Energy
GSOL Energy is a leading supplier of Solar PV solutions for international businesses and aid organizations. GSOL Energy will help assess the needs for green technology initiatives and design tailored solutions.
Our Work
In Palestine, DCA/NCA supports sustainable development through initiatives that enhance livelihoods, promote human rights, and strengthen environmental resilience. DCA’s work with local farmers, fostering responsible business practices and climate-smart agriculture, directly supports the project’s goals to improve the Palestinian date value chain and increase market access.
About the project
Full title: Enhancing transition to green and sustainable economic growth in Palestine.
Period: April 2023 – December 2024
Salling Group
Ethical Trade Denmark
MA’AN Development Center
GSOL Energy
Funding: DKK 864,112
Number of people reached: 10 stakeholders, 20 farmers, 50 vulnerable persons who increased their resilience to climate change, and 45 persons with generated income and/or improved livelihood.
Main Donor: Danida Green Business Partnership