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Private Sector Partnerships

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DanChurchAid (DCA) sees great potential in collaborating with companies that are interested in making their operations more sustainable and who wish to also seek benefits for the most vulnerable people. We apply our specialised knowledge in various types of private sector engagements to meet the growing interest and demand from the business community.

For example, by combining DCA’s expertise on challenges in sustainable development with companies’ technical skills and innovative capacity, we can develop concrete business concepts or interventions that benefit both vulnerable groups and the companies themselves. As one of Denmark’s largest and most respected humanitarian organisations, we can provide business partners with:

  • More than 90 years of experience with development and disaster work
  • Access to our global network of partners, professionals and country offices
  • Expertise and experience with engaging in different types of business collaborations
  • Solid experience in developing large-scale sustainable projects with multiple partners
  • Strong expertise in human rights, climate change, responsible business conduct and the agricultural sector
  • Local knowledge and legitimacy in multiple emerging markets
  • A strong brand and added PR value

A principled approach

Working with the private sector requires a focus on profitability and business needs, but we ensure responsibility by adhering to and promoting the UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), as outlined in our Human Rights Policy and CSR Guidelines. DCA is also fully committed to the objectives of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and strive to ensure the realisation of the goals through advocacy activities and strategic engagements with private entities.

By committing to the UNGPs and SDGs, DCA can align with strategic sustainability objectives of businesses and define concrete objectives for interventions and collaborations that can result in lasting impacts and promote a life in dignity for all. DCA has special expertise on climate change issues, including renewable energy investments, the IT and tech sector and, not least, the agricultural sector and global value chains, including how to protect and promote smallholder farmers.

In addition to engaging in partnerships, DCA also seeks to provide constructive contributions to broader policy debates on the role of businesses in promoting sustainable development, responsible investments and global climate action in accordance with the UNGPs and the 2015 Paris Declaration.

DCA Principles of Engagement with the Private Sector

This includes engaging in international fora and with institutional and private investors, such as the Danish Investment Fund for Developing Countries (IFU), and providing input to multinational companies operating in developing countries. The global advocacy work also includes contributions to, and monitoring of, implementation of the SDGs on a Danish, European and international level. DCA is also represented in the ACT Alliance’s European Union (EU) focal group on the SDGs, which monitors the EU’s efforts towards the SDGs and the Paris Principles (2030 Agenda)

Read more about the DCA P4G Partnership Sustainable Food Platform

Our main areas of expertise

Expert knowledge of low-income markets and local communities

Decades of experience and local presence has given DCA vast knowledge on how to improve livelihoods and an understanding of cultural contexts, local needs and demands. This has also established our local legitimacy and relations of trust with communities. DCA’s relations with national and local authorities and communities provides a solid foundation for establishing partnerships and networks, which enhances opportunities for long-term sustainable development.

Innovation and product development

DCA has established a distinct expertise in adapting and developing new solutions by combining low-tech development assistance with new innovative solutions. DCA applies a proactive ‘bottom-up’ approach towards identifying ways to of minimise risks and develop business models that can, for example, reach new prospective customer segments.

Introducing and testing new technology

We can use our strong local reputation and network to help business partners gain access to new markets and develop new products, technologies and innovations. Through our continuous engagement and consultations with stakeholders, DCA can contribute with unique insights from potential customers and important decision makers.

Expert knowledge of funding opportunities in emerging markets

As one of Denmark’s largest and most renowned NGOs, DCA holds a strong brand value and solid relations with Danish and international public and private donors and investors. Years of professional handling of donor requirements, grant management, monitoring and reporting means that we have the administrative capacity to organise complex consortiums and financial arrangements.

Using responsible business and sustainability expertise to create value

DCA’s approach is built on combining the principles of ‘doing no harm’ and ‘doing good’ vis á vis businesses need to be responsible while also financially sustainable. By adhering to international standards, such as the UNGPs, DCA seeks to create added value for businesses by advising on the implementation of responsible business principles into business operations and mapping of opportunities. We can provide advice on overall due diligence procedures, including improvements of systems and processes, grievance mechanisms and facilitating community engagement, which are key elements of sustainable business practices.

Read more about our Private Sector Engagements

Arla Foods Ingredients is lead business partner in a GAIN Nordic project to connect Ethiopia’s malnourished children with milk from 11 million cows, you can watch a film, DCA has produced about the project here:


Head of Private Sector Engagement

Gitte Dyrhagen Husager

Phone: +45 33 18 78 53
Mobile: +45 40 75 40 90
Mail: gdhu@dca.dk
Twitter: @gittedyrhagen

Business and Human Rights Advisor

Roya Høvsgaard

Mobile: +45 33 18 78 99
Mail: razh@dca.dk
Twitter: @RoyaAmanda