DCA business opportunities originate from implementing partners, country offices and the headquarters in Copenhagen. The list is not exhaustive and suppliers are encouraged to contact DCA country offices to explore additional opportunities.
Follow us on LinkedIn to receive business opportunities directly in your feed:
Request for Quotation: 4WD Double Cabin Pick-up Vehicle for DCA Uganda
DCA Uganda seeks quotations for supply and delivery of a 4WD Double Cabin Pick-up vehicle and accessories.
Deadline: 21st March 2025
RE-ADVERTISEMENT Consultancy for Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (CVCA) and Community Adaptation Action Planning (CAAP) for the URRI Project, West Nile, Uganda
DCA Uganda seeks to strengthen climate resilience among women, men, and youth in refugee and host communities under the Uganda Refugee Resilience Initiative (URRI). This consultancy focuses on two key activities:
– Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (CVCA): The CVCA will identify climate-related vulnerabilities and assess the adaptive capacities of target groups.
– Community Adaptation Action Planning (CAAP): The CAAP process will engage stakeholders to prioritize climate risks and co-create practical, inclusive adaptation strategies tailored to the local context.
Deadline: 17th March 2025
Consultancy Support to DanChurchAid’s Blended Finance Work
DCA aims to further strengthen its organisational capacity and operational approach to blended finance initiatives by establishing a global Blended Finance Modality (BFM) for development, humanitarian and climate action. To support this effort, DanChurchAid (DCA) is seeking a consultant that will strengthen DCA’s capacity to promote long-term sustainability through a blended finance modality in its international programme work based on DCA’s country programmes in selected countries. The consultant will provide technical advice, support and guidance to enhance DCA’s strategic initiatives in this area.
The consultant will be engaged on a framework agreement, providing services as and when required for the period from signature of the Contract by both parties to 31st December 2026. For 2025, the consultant is expected to deliver 8 hours per week on average.
Deadline: 17th March 2025
CLOSED 3rd March 2025 Consultant for Audit Services of 2024 USG funds implemented by DanChurchAid, Copenhagen DANCHURCHAID invites Candidates to submit a proposal for audit services for the 2024 annual audit of DCA held expenses funded by the US Government. The main objective of the contract is to conduct a financial audit of the Statement of Expenditures of USG Awards (and/or audit of the General-Purpose Financial Statements) expended for the period January – December 2024:
The audit must comply with the following documents and their successors:
- GAGAS, issued by the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO).
- One other applicable body of audit standards described in section III Scope of the TOR.
- USAID’s Financial Audit Guide for Foreign Organizations; and
- 2 CFR 200 section 200.501-200.521 (Subpart F—Audit Requirements) of the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance).
Please click here to download the full Terms of Reference (TOR)
CLOSED 28th February 2025 Consultancy for Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (CVCA) and Community Adaptation Action Planning (CAAP) for the URRI Project, West Nile, Uganda
DCA Uganda seeks to strengthen climate resilience among women, men, and youth in refugee and host communities under the Uganda Refugee Resilience Initiative (URRI). This consultancy focuses on two key activities:
– Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (CVCA): The CVCA will identify climate-related vulnerabilities and assess the adaptive capacities of target groups.
– Community Adaptation Action Planning (CAAP): The CAAP process will engage stakeholders to prioritize climate risks and co-create practical, inclusive adaptation strategies tailored to the local context.
Deadline: 28th February 2025.
CLOSED 14 February 2025 Request for Proposals: Private Security Service Provision for DCA Rhino Camp Office, West Nile, Uganda
DCA Uganda seeks requests for proposal for provision of Security Services for DCA Rhino Camp Office. Tasks include ensuring the safety and security of DCA staff, assets, and premises in Rhino Camp. Mitigating potential risks associated with operating in a dynamic environment. Establishing a professional security presence to foster a secure and productive work environment. Providing round-the-clock (24/7) security services. Monitoring and controlling access to office premises and conducting routine patrols and inspections of the premises. Please click here to download the full Terms of Reference (TOR).
CLOSED 12 February 2025 Consultant for ad hoc consultancy services under a 3-year Framework Contract for DCA Copenhagen, Denmark
DanChurchAid (DCA) is looking to conclude a 3-year framework agreement for ad hoc consultancy service to support the Global Partnerships and Resource Mobilisation (GPRM) Unit in Copenhagen. GPRM supports DCA’s country office in working with donors and in securing grants to DCA’s work globally. The Contractor must have documented experience in fundraising activities (development and humanitarian areas) from institutional donors. It is a minimum requirement that the Contractor is available to work during the critical months of April, July, August, October and around Christmas.
LUKKET 31 januar 2025 Udbudsbekendtgørelse: 3-årig rammeaftale på medieindkøb til kampagner
Folkekirkens Nødhjælp inviterer mediebureauer til at afgive tilbud på medieindkøb til vores mange kampagner som fx. Giv en ged og den årlige landsindsamling. Tilbuddet ønskes for en 3-årig rammeaftale med mulighed for forlængelse for yderligere 1+1 år.
Folkekirkens Nødhjælp er på udkig efter en fast partner på medieindkøb, som kan hjælpe os med at skabe synlighed om vores brand og sikre danskernes opbakning til vores arbejde. Opgaven er at rådgive os ifm. medieindkøb, forhandle priser, foretage medieindkøb og rapportere resultater. Som en af Danmarks største NGO’ere, eksekverer vi et væld af kampagner hvert år, hvor vi har brug for den synlighed, som vores kommende partner kan hjælpe os med at skabe.
Udbudsmaterialet tilgås i udbudsbekendtgørelsen. Spørgsmål, svar og præciseringer til udbudsmaterialet er tilgængelige HER (opdateret 18. december 2024).
CLOSED 21st January 2025 Call for Tender for NFI and SHELTER kits for Democratic Republic of Congo
DanChurchAid (DCA) launches three calls for tenders for the award of NFI and SHELTER KITS contracts for their programme in the Democrtic Republic of Congo, as per below:
Call for tender NFI Kit 0001 -> Invitation to Tender NFI Kit 0001
Call for tender SHELTER KIT 1 -> Invitation to Tender SHELTER Kit 1
Call for tender SHELTER KIT 2 -> Invitation to Tender SHELTER Kit 2
Before submitting your tender, please read the call for tenders. All three Invitation to Tenders are governed by the DCA General Terms and Conditions and Code of Conduct for Contractors available in French here.
CLOSED 22nd November 2024 Rental of Mechanical Demining Machine for Humanitarian Program in Ukraine
Representative office of “DANCHURCHAID” in Ukraine within its Humanitarian Response and Mine Action program is inviting candidates to supply “Mechanical demining machine rental for 6 months with possibility of extension” with a set of spare parts and maintenance support. Supply to be delivered to Mykolaiv, Ukraine. You can find more details in the Tender Dossier.
CLOSED 11th November 2024 Consultancy for an assessment of EU support to Agroecology in five African countries
DanChurchAid is seeking a consultant / consultant team to assess the implementation of projects/programmes related to agroecology financed by the EU in Africa. The study shall focus on projects and programmes in Uganda, Kenya, DRC, Burkina Faso and Senegal. The consultant is expected to deliver a report from assessing projects and interviewing key stakeholders in the selected countries to evaluate the constraints and opportunities to ensure mainstreaming into policy and financial support to agroecology. This shall inform recommendations to policy makers and donors.
The study is made in collaboration with ActionAid, Caritas Africa, Caritas Europa, Coopération Internationale pour le Développement et la Solidarité (CIDSE), Broederlijk Delen, Dreikönigsaktion der Katholischen Jungschar (DKA Austria), Misereor, Entraide et Fraternité, the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA) and Eastern and Southern Africa Small-Scale Farmers Forum (ESAFF).
LUKKET 31 oktober 2024 Udbudsbekendtgørelse: 3-årig rammeaftale på tryk, pakning of distribution til FKNs årlige Sogneindsamling
Folkekirkens Nødhjælp inviterer trykkerier til at afgive et tilbud på tryk, pakning og distribution af materialer til Folkekirkens Nødhjælps årlige indsamling, Sogneindsamling. Tilbuddet ønskes for en 3-årig rammeaftale med mulighed for forlængelse for yderligere 1+1 år.
Et stort antal materialer skal trykkes, pakkes og distribueres til vores mange frivillige indsamlingsledere i hele landet, som den anden søndag i marts sørger for at sende 10.000 indsamlere rundt i Danmark for at samle ind til verdens fattigste.
Udbudsmaterialet består af Invitation til Tilbud, bilag 4 Tilbudspriser og bilag 8 Trykfil til indsamlingsskilt.
Spørgsmål, svar og præciseringer til udbudsmaterialet er tilgængelige HER
Appel d’offres fermé le 25 octobre 2024 REPUBLICATION – Consultants recherchés pour une étude sur l’interaction entre paix/traumatisme historique/patrimoine culturel (incl. foi et religions)
DCA est engagée dans le renforcement des efforts intégrés, localement ancrés et durables de prévention des conflits et de consolidation de la paix en République centrafricaine (RCA). Afin de soutenir les programmes, la stratégie et les initiatives de plaidoyer de DCA et de ses partenaires, DCA sollicite des propositions de candidats intéressés et expérimentés pour mener une recherche visant à générer des connaissances et des recommandations concrètes sur la manière dont la paix peut être promue à travers les interactions entre le traumatisme historique et le patrimoine culture, notamment les pratiques et traditions spirituelles et religieuses dans les zones d’Ippy et Bouar (RCA).
Les propositions doivent être soumises comme spécifié dans le document d’appel à candidatures, et toutes les questions doivent être adressées à Claire Mohamed-Petit (Conseillère CPPB au siège de DCA), cmpe@dca.dk.
CLOSED 18th October 2024 at 17.30 pm Consultancy to Conduct Gender Analysis in Uganda
DanChurchAid (DCA) Uganda would like to engage the services of individuals and/or consultancy firms to undertake the above referenced consultancy service. DCA invites interested and eligible bidders to submit technical and financial proposals for the assignment.
The instructions to tenderers are contained in the detailed Request for Proposal (RFP) can be downloaded free of charge . More details on the services are provided in the Terms of Reference (TOR), which forms part of the Request for Proposal.
CLOSED 9th of October, 2024, at 4:00 PM (Syrian Time) / 1:00 PM (GMT) Multi-Sector Needs and Markets Assessment in North-East Syria (NES)
DanChurchAid invites candidates to submit a proposal for the evaluation of an EU-funded project. DCA has provided life-saving support to conflict-affected communities in Northeast Syria (NES) since 2015 through the delivery of Shelter, Food Security, Multipurpose cash, Protection, and Humanitarian Mine Action (HMA).
CLOSED 25th September 2024 at 17:00 (EAT) Mid-Term Evaluation Consultancy for Youth Participation and Empowerment Project in Karamoja
Dan Church Aid Uganda invites candidates to submit proposals for consultancy services to conduct a Mid-Term Evaluation of Increasing Opportunities for Youth Participation and Empowerment (IOYPE) in Karamoja. Proposals should be submitted as specified in the Request for Proposal documents. Please direct all requests for clarification or inquiries to mbek@dca.dk.
CLOSED 19th of September 2024 Demining machine DCA Ukraine
Representative office of “DANCHURCHAID” in Ukraine within its Humanitarian Response and Mine Action program is inviting candidates to supply “Mechanical remotely controlled demining machine” with a set of spare parts. Supply to be delivered to Mykolaiv, Ukraine. You can find more details in the Tender Dossier.
CLOSED 16th of September 2024 Consultancy for a Thematic Evaluation of DCA and partners’ Human Rights-Based Approach to Saving Lives, Building Resilience and Fighting Extreme Inequality in marginalised communities
DanChurchAid Denmark is looking to hire a consulting team to conduct a thematic evaluation of DCA and partner’s Human Rights-Based Approach. This global thematic evaluation will cut across all three of DCA’s international goals, Saving Lives, Building Resilience and Fighting Extreme Inequality. DCA hereby invites consultants, consulting teams and/or consulting firms to provide proposals for this evaluation.
The evaluation aims to assess the appropriateness, timeliness, relevance, and overall effectiveness of DCA’s HRBA. It seeks to improve knowledge, policy, and practice by examining how well the PANEL + principles are integrated across global goals. Additionally, the evaluation will document results, impact, and challenges related to HRBA implementation, including the role of partners such as CSOs and faith actors.
More details on the scope and nature of the services required are provided in the above link to the Request for Proposal which includes the Terms of Reference (TOR).
CLOSED 14th of September 2024 Create Safer Communities and Enable Safe and Sustainable Returns, Encouraging Stabilization and Early Recovery in Ar-Raqqa, Northeast Syria (NES)
DanChurchaid invites candidates to submit a proposal for evaluation of EU funded project. DCA has provided life-saving support to conflict affected communities in Northeast Syria (NES) since 2015 through the delivery of Shelter, Food Security, Multipurpose cash, Protection, and Humanitarian Mine Action (HMA). More details are provided in the above link to the Request for Proposal and the Terms of Reference (TOR).
CLOSED September 6th, 2024 Consultancy for a study on Intersectionality, climate change and conflict in South Sudan and Ethiopia
DCA is committed to continue adopting a Humanitarian-Development-Peacebuilding (HDP) triple nexus approach. In order to inform and improve DCA and partners’ programming, strategy and advocacy initiatives, DCA is requesting proposals from interested and experienced candidates to conduct research to enhance the understanding of the interlinkages between the effects of climate change, the nature and dynamics of violent conflict, and the intersectional inequalities of vulnerable groups in South Sudan and Ethiopia.
CLOSED 23rd August 2024 Consultancy to design a cost-efficient and sustainable strategy to implement solar energy in DCA’s country offices
DCA is committed to accelerate climate action both in its programmes and its own operations and is working to reduce its carbon footprint. To support these efforts, DCA is looking for expert advice, either from an individual consultant or a firm, to design a strategy to substitute in the most cost-efficient and sustainable way possible, carbon intensive electricity generation for solar energy solutions in DCA’s country offices. The strategy should consider economic and technical feasibility as well as carbon reduction potential. The results from this consultancy will support the prioritisation of investments, guide future procurement of solar energy solutions and provide inputs for DCA to engage in dialogue with donors and other relevant actors for enhanced support to scale up the implementation of carbon reduction measures.
CLOSED 12th August 2024 Request for Proposal to Develop a One-Stop-Digital Platform
Dan Church Aid Uganda invites candidates to submit a proposal for Consultancy services of a Full Stack Developer Consultant to develop a One-Stop Digital Platform for young people under the “Refugee and Host Community Youth Empowerment & Transformation Initiative (RETI)” Programme.
CLOSED 12th August 2024 Request for proposal on Digitalization of VSLAS and Improved Access to Credit
Dan Church Aid Uganda invites candidates to submit a proposal for Consultancy services for Digitalization of Village Savings and Loans (VSLA) and Improved access to Credit.
CLOSED 7th August 2024 Consultancy on UN Security Council Dynamics
Under a 3-year framework contract, DanChurch Aid is looking for expert legal analysis in support of our policy work linked with the UN Security Council dynamics.
CLOSED 4th August 2024 Consultancy (individual) for a Conflict-Climate-Gender Meta-Analysis Design
DCA is seeking an individual consultant (graduate students welcome!) to design, develop and test a meta-analysis approach, which helps to complement, connect and collect the approaches and findings of different individual project and research initiatives at the intersection of climate change, violent conflict, and gender inequality. The resulting tools will help inform and steer DCA and relevant partners’ programming, strategy and policy. The successful consultant will be asked to sign this Contract.
CLOSED 2nd August 2024 Request for Proposal – Remote monitoring technology service for data collection and analysis
DCA is committed in ensuring that all projects and programmes are properly monitored and evaluated and live up to needs of the community as well as enhance accountability and learning. It is important that this also applies for contexts that are difficult for DCA and partner staff to access, or which access to pose a security risk to staff. This way, DCA ensures that all its projects, no matter the nature of the context or circumstances they are operating in, are handled in the same accountable manner. It is therefore important that the data which is collected remotely is of high quality, lives up to DCA’s high standards of monitoring and evaluation, and is comparable to data collected with physical presence.
The overall goal of the procurement of a remote monitoring technology is thus to strengthen the possibility of monitoring and evaluation across all DCA’s project portfolio, including in contexts/areas that are difficult to access for different reasons.
DCA would like to procure a specific technology that can be used to collect both qualitative and quantitative data without being physically present in the specific context where data collection is required. This could be relevant in several of the countries that DCA operates in, but especially for areas that can be difficult to access for different reasons. This technology could possibly make use of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
CLOSED 14th July 2024 Consultancy Service for Conducting a fuel wood economy study in West Nile, Northern Uganda
DanChurchAid (DCA) would like to engage the services of individuals and/or consultancy firms to undertake the above referenced consultancy service. DCA invites interested and eligible bidders to submit technical and financial proposals for the assignment.
The instructions to tenderers are available here and the detailed Request for Proposal (RFP) can be downloaded free of charge here. More details on the services are provided in the Terms of Reference (TOR), which forms part of the Request for Proposal.
CLOSED 3rd July 2024 Advertisement of Business Opportunities for DCA Ukraine
NGO “Southern Development Strategy», Ukraine, in cooperation with its partner DanChurchAid, with support NORAD, invites qualified suppliers of one or several of the following goods and services to respond to this advertisement. Suppliers who have responded to this advertisement and provides the required information may be invited to participate in the Procurement Procedure for the relevant lot(s).
CLOSED 19th June 2024 Request for Quotation – TC Electric Generator for DCA Ukraine
Representative office of “DANCHURCHAID” in Ukraine is looking for suppliers of Electric generator for its Humanitarian Mine Action activity under the «Safe Recovery Through Mine Action, Protection and Community Support» project in Ukraine supported by DANIDA. We invite all interested candidates to submit their offers. Detailed specifications and contacts are available in “3.0 RFQ TC Electric Generator” file.
CLOSED 14th June 2024 Request for Proposal – Remote monitoring technology service for data collection and analysis
DanChurchAid (DCA) is an international humanitarian organisation whose core objective is to provide assistance to marginalised and oppressed communities through relief and development activities in cooperation with local partners. DCA has development and humanitarian activities in Africa, Asia, Europe, and in the Middle East.
DCA is committed in ensuring that all projects and programmes are properly monitored and evaluated and live up to needs of the community as well as enhance accountability and learning. It is important that this also applies for contexts that are difficult for DCA and partner staff to access, or which access to pose a security risk to staff. This way, DCA ensures that all its projects, no matter the nature of the context or circumstances they are operating in, are handled in the same accountable manner. It is therefore important that the data which is collected remotely is of high quality, lives up to DCA’s high standards of monitoring and evaluation, and is comparable to data collected with physical presence.
The overall goal of the procurement of a remote monitoring technology is thus to strengthen the possibility of monitoring and evaluation across all DCA’s project portfolio, including in contexts/areas that are difficult to access for different reasons.
DCA would like to procure a specific technology that can be used to collect both qualitative and quantitative data without being physically present in the specific context where data collection is required. This could be relevant in several of the countries that DCA operates in, but especially for areas that can be difficult to access for different reasons. This technology could possibly make use of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
CLOSED 12th June 2024 Request for Quotation – Supply of Ambulance vehicle
Representative office of “DANCHURCHAID” in Ukraine is looking for suppliers of Ambulance type B vehicles for its Humanitarian Mine Action activity under the «Safe Recovery Through Mine Action, Protection and Community Support» project in Ukraine supported by DANIDA. We invite all interested candidates to submit their offers.
CLOSED 6th June 2024 Request for Proposal – Consultancy: Baseline Assessment
DanChurchAid Uganda invites candidates to conduct a Baseline Assessment for enhancing Food Security and Nutritional outcomes for vulnerable women and children in West Nile, northern Uganda.DCA hereby invites Consulting Firms to provide Technical and Financial Proposals for this task.
More details on the scope and nature of the services required are provided in the attached RFP which includes the Terms of Reference (TOR). Download the material here.
LUKKET 15 maj 2024 Invitation til tilbudsafgivelse på hosting, drift og udvikling af FKNs website løsninger
Folkekirkens Nødhjælp søger en kvalificeret og dygtig leverandør til at flytte vores to websites, samt mediebibliotek (DAM) til en ny og bedre hostingløsning. FKN ønsker at indgå samarbejde med en leverandør der kan holde vores løsning kørende stabilt og sikkert, samt kontinuerlig udvikling og forbedring af løsningen og FKNs generelle digitale tilstedeværelse. Vi søger et fireårigt samarbejde med mulighed for forlængelse. Det er vigtigt for os, at en fremtidig leverandør forstår vores behov og kan bidrage til vores digitale rejse.
Kontrakten består af 3 delydelser: A) forstå eksisterende løsning og flytte til ny hostingleverandør; B) SLA, hosting og drift; samt C) WordPress-udvikling.
Udbudsmaterialet kan downloades HER. Hvis der kommer præciseringer af udbudsmaterialet, vil det blive uploadet HER.
CLOSED 19th April 2024 Request for Proposal – Consultancy: Development of A.I Chatbot
DanChurchAid Uganda intends to hire a Consultant to develop an Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) Chatbot for Monitoring, Documentation and Advocacy for Human Rights in Uganda (MDA-HRU) project, for which this request for Proposal (RFP) is issued.
DCA hereby invites Consultants to provide Technical and Financial Proposals for this task.
More details on the scope and nature of the services required are provided in the attached RFP which includes the Terms of Reference (TOR).
The Consultant will be selected under Quality / Cost Based Selection (QCBS) procedures described in the Request for Proposal (RFP).
CLOSED 1st March 2024 and 19th April 2024 Business opportunities for WASH and Protection for Frontline Resilience project in Ukraine
DCA Ukraine in cooperation with its partner NORAD Norway invites qualified suppliers for goods and services. Suppliers and service providers who have responded to the below generel Advertisement for Business Opportunties and provides the required information may be invited to participate in the procurement procedure(s) for the relevant lot(s).
Advertisement for Business Opportunties (1)
Advertisement for Business Opportunties (2)
CLOSED 5th March 2024 Consultant to designing a DCA Market Systems Development (MSD) training course
DanChurchAid (DCA) wishes to further strengthen the organizational capacities and approach to programming by designing a DCA Market Systems Development (MSD) training course and adopting MSD framework and tools.
DCA is looking for experienced consultants or consultancy company to develop a MSD framework and training programme that build organisational capacity for applying a Market system development approach to achieve sustainable outcomes in DCA’s programming. The MSD framework and training should consider relevant greening and gender aspects.
It is envisaged the work to be finalised before 30th November 2024. More details on the scope and nature of the services required are provided in the Request for Proposal which includes the Terms of Reference (TOR).
CLOSED 28th March 2024 Terms of Reference – Short-term consultant
DanChurchAid is looking for a short-term consultant to support the process of mapping and identifying strategic pathways for the organisation’s EU-level advocacy. The consultant must have a good understanding of both legislative procedures and humanitarian and development instruments within EU and be able to support a process of strengthening a civil society organisations meaningful advocacy. The consultancy is expected to start first April or as soon as possible, and if you are interested, we kindly request that you submit your CV and a short motivational text through the link.
CLOSED 26th March 2024 Tender Notice – Event planner service in Ukraine
Over one year into the war in Ukraine, the widespread displacement and infrastructure destruction have resulted in a staggering 17.6 million people in need of urgent humanitarian assistance.
Through our extensive collaboration with local partners, we have gained firsthand insight into the existing gap in specialized services that effectively address MHPSS and GBV needs. Our partners have expressed a clear request for capacity building through comprehensive training and ongoing supervision to enhance their capabilities in these critical areas. Recognizing this crucial need, we are committed to providing the necessary support and resources to empower our local partners and strengthen their ability to deliver impactful and survivor-centered MHPSS and GBV programs.
DCA Ukraine is seeking an organization capable of efficiently planning and executing all logistics related to in-person training events. This will include multiple trainings and various locations in Ukraine. More details are provided here.
CLOSED 15th March 2024 Request for Proposal – Baseline Study
DanChurchAid Uganda intends to hire a Consulting Firm for conducting a Baseline Survey for “Monitoring, Documentation and Advocacy for Human Rights in Uganda (MDA-HRU)” project, for which this request for Proposal (RFP) is issued. DCA hereby invites Consulting Firms to provide Technical and Financial Proposals for this Baseline Survey.
More details on the scope and nature of the services required are provided in the attached RFP which includes the Terms of Reference (TOR). The Consulting Firm will be selected under Quality / Cost Based Selection (QCBS) procedures described in the Request for Proposal (RFP).
CLOSED 1st March 2024 Tender Notice for Audit Services under a framework contract for DanChurchAid Copenhagen
DCA is looking to establish a multiyear framework agreement for the annual audits of DCA held expenses funded by the US Government.
The objective of the contract is to conduct a financial audit of the US government resources managed by the recipient/subrecipient in accordance with:
● USAID Financial Audit Guide for Foreign Organizations (hereafter Guide);
● U.S. Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards (GAGAS or the Yellow Book);
issued by the Comptroller. General of the United States Government Accountability Office; and, as applicable;
● International Standards on Auditing (ISA) issued by the International Auditing and Assurance
Standards Board (IAASB), in conjunction with GAGAS; and
● The International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAIs) issued by the International
Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) for public-sector audits, in conjunction
with GAGAS.
CLOSED November 26th, 2023 External Consultant in Iraq
DCA has provided life-saving support to conflict affected communities in Iraq since 2017 through the delivery of humanitarian mine action (HMA) capacity enhancement for national organisations based in Ninewa. DCA is seeking an external consultant with experience in HMA and/or capacity enhancement of national organisations to evaluate the current year-3 project funded by UNMAS & DANIDA.
The objective of the evaluation focuses on the assessment of the appropriateness, timeliness, relevance, and overall effectiveness of the intervention to achieve its objective: The capacity development of a National NGO in Iraq that can effectively and independently engage in needs based explosive hazard management response, in a sustainable and inclusive manner, aligned with the priorities of the National Authority. The evaluation will also provide DCA with recommendations on how to improve project design and capacity enhancement activities for future HMA programming
CLOSED November 6th, 2023 Consultant to assessment of DCA’s activities on Women’s Economic Empowerment
DanChurchAid (DCA) is looking for an experienced consultant or consultancy company to assess DCA’s experiences, challenges, learnings, and opportunities in promoting women’s economic empowerment. Women’s economic empowerment is an essential building block in enhancing women’s rights more broadly, in increasing the opportunities of women and girls for social and political participation, living a life free of violence, and claiming an active role in their communities.
Enhancing women’s opportunities for financial inclusion, employment, income, and an active role in the economy is a key priority for DCA, and we wish to further strengthen our organizational capacities and strategic approach within this area. DCA therefore launches this consultancy to assess the quality, learning and best practices from our existing approaches and identify ways to improve and scale up.
CLOSED 24th October 2023 Consultant to DCA Innovation Learning Hub in Copenhagen
Are you passionate about driving innovation in humanitarian efforts? Here’s a fantastic chance to make a meaningful impact! DanChurchAid (DCA) is seeking an experienced consultant to make a short term contribution to our Innovation Learning Hub.
Innovation is at the heart of DCA’s mission. We’re committed to identifying, testing, and scaling innovative solutions that enhance our impact while effectively managing associated risks. Our goal is to align our working methods with innovation, empowering every DCA staff member to initiate and nurture innovation processes.
We’re looking for a skilled consultant to finalize the tools section of our Innovation Learning Hub. As a consultant, you’ll be responsible for producing, copywriting, and customizing approximately 15 tools related to innovation management, ethics assessment, ideation facilitation, and more. Your work will directly contribute to increasing effective innovations, fostering a culture of innovation across DCA, and empowering our staff to confidently engage in innovative practices.
CLOSED 15th October 2023 Tender notice for Non-Food Items (NFIs)
DanChurchAid is working with local partners in South Sudan to assist the poorest of the poor with a focus on protection, combating hunger, working for peace and conflict mitigation. In our humanitarian work, we focus on Disaster Risk Reduction and Self-protection mechanisms as well as more directly humanitarian intervention.
Our development and humanitarian projects are part of long-term Programme, where gender is a cross cutting priority and community driven activities, and capacity building of partners are the key components.
DanChurchAid South Sudan Program invite Suppliers to Tender for the supply and delivery of Non-Food Items to support its Humanitarian intervention with support from Sudan Humanitarian Funds (SHF) in support to conflict response in Sudan crisis.”
CLOSED 29th September 2023 Request for Proposal for Translation Services for DCA Globally
DanChurchAid (DCA) in Denmark wishes to provide its global organisation with easy and timely access to written translation with legalisation, subtitles, and voice-over services of the best professional quality and price. Therefore, DCA is inviting candidates to submit their proposal for a framework contract for the duration of 36 months with the possibility of extension for another 12 + 12 months. Please review the Request for Proposal and let us know of your intention to bid.
LUKKET 4 september 2023 kl. 12.01 Tryk, pakning og distribution til Sogneindsamling 2024
Folkekirkens Nødhjælp inviterer trykkerier til at afgive et tilbud på tryk, pakning og distribution af materialer til Folkekirkens Nødhjælps årlige indsamling, Sogneindsamling.
Et stort antal materialer skal trykkes, pakkes og distribueres til vores mange frivillige indsamlingsledere i hele landet, der den 10. marts 2024 sørger for at sende 10.000 indsamlere rundt i Danmark for at samle ind til verdens fattigste.
Udbudsmaterialet består af Invitation til Tilbud, bilag 4 Tilbudspriser og bilag 8 Trykfil til indsamlingsskilt.
CLOSED 31st August 2023 Invitation to Bid to supply Shelter Kits and Non-Food Items and Tarpaulins to DanChurchAid, Eastern DR. Congo
DanChurchAid (DCA) in the Democratic republic of Congo is supporting humanitarian response to families affected by the impact of armed conflict in Eastern DRC with the funding of USAID -BHA . DCA is responding to the needs of conflict-affected communities in North Kivu province with assistance in the form of Shelter non-food items, mitigating risk of Gender Based Violence, provision of safe, dignified and reliable services to the Survivor of Sexual Violence in territories of Masisi, Walikale , Lubero and Goma. Thus, DCA is seeking to invite interested entities to supply Shelter Non-Food Items and Tarpaulins to be delivered in Mweso and Goma health zones, North-Kivu DRC as detailed below. Please use the link to learn more.
CLOSED 20th August 2023 Digital Løsning for Trivsels-, APV- og Dropmålinger
Folkekirkens Nødhjælp inviterer kandidater til at afgive tilbud på en digital løsning til at lave trivsels-, APV- og drop målinger til vores 3 danske kontorer og 21 internationale kontorer. Den første trivselsmåling forventes at blive sendt ud til ca. 1200 medarbejdere i januar 2024. Vi udsender normalvis trivsels- og APV-målinger hvert andet år. Den forventede kontraktperiode er 4 år, med mulighed for forlængelse.
Vi forventer at systemet overordnet er brugervenligt, både for de personer som opsætter målinger og trækker rapporter, og for respondenter; at HR-afdelingen selv kan formulere spørgsmål og uploade til løsningen (alternativt at udbyder uploader); at løsningen kan håndtere flere sprog (dansk, engelsk, fransk og arabisk) og at løsningen ud over PC, understøtter mobile enheder (Android/OIS).
Interesserede tilbudsgivere finder hele udbudsmaterialet HER.
CLOSED 18th August 2023 Consultancy service for delivering a training on Investigating Fraud and Safeguarding Complaints
DCA invites candidates to submit a proposal for ‘Training on Investigating Fraud and Safeguarding Complaints’ under a Framework Contract for 3 years. The first training that needs to be delivered between September and November 2023, should cover the core principles for investigations and the investigation guidelines on how to initiate, plan and conduct a formal investigation (Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment (SEAH) investigation as well as investigations pertaining to fraud and corruption). The Contractor is also requested to share with trainees (DCA staff having different backgrounds and roles) the best practice guidance, tools and steps for conducting investigations in order to ensure that they are conducted thoroughly, objectively and professionally.
Please use the link to access the Request for Proposal.
CLOSED 30th June 2023 Final evaluation of Danida funded DCA project in Syria
DCA invites candidates to submit a proposal for the final evaluation of project: “Life-saving cash support to conflict-affected communities in northeast Syria” supported by USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) DANIDA. Please review the Terms of References and access the Request for Proposal through the above link.
CLOSED 12th June, 2023 Final evaluation of Danida funded DCA project in Syria
DCA invites candidates to submit a proposal for the final evaluation of project: “Responding to the Syrian Crisis: A multisectoral approach to providing essential, life-saving support to communities impacted by the Syrian conflict” supported by DANIDA. Please review the Terms of Refences and access the Request for Proposal through the above link.
CLOSED April 13th, 2023 Ad hoc consultancy service for the DCA GPRM unit
DCA is looking to sign a Framework Agreement for 1 year with a Contractor (or Contractors) who have documented experience in fundraising for development and humanitarian activities from institutional donors to support the Global Partnerships and Resource Mobilisation Unit (GPRM).
GPRM supports DCA’s country offices in working with donors and in securing grants to DCA’s work globally.
Please use the above link to access the Request for Proposal.
CLOSED March 27th, 2023 Independent audit firm to conduct a financial audit of US Government resources (2022) managed by DCA
DanChurchAid assists the world’s poorest to lead a life in dignity. Aid is given regardless of race, creed, political or religious affiliation. DanChurchAid is based in Denmark, has 20 Country Offices and is a member of the ACT Alliance together with 134 churches and faith-based organizations. The 2022 turnover was approximately DKK1,000,000,000.
For the year 2022 DanChurchAid implemented 13 projects financed by US Government agencies (USAID, BPRM, DRL, WRA) across 7 countries in Africa, Asia and the Middle East (DR Congo, South Sudan, Lebanon, Cambodia, Syria, Libya and Ethiopia). The total budgeted amount for the projects has been approximately USD 47,000,000.
DCA is now looking for an independent audit firm to conduct a financial audit of US Government resources (2022) managed by DCA.
Please use the above link to access the Request for Proposal.
CLOSED March 6th, 2023 Process Designer and Facilitator for DCA organizational Learning Process on Food Systems Transformation
DCA is looking for a facilitator for an exciting organizational learning and action process to strengthen our work on addressing food crisis and pushing for food system change.
Globally, DCA provides humanitarian response to unprecedented food crisis. We work for more sustainable, resilient and just food systems. We push for responsible business conduct of local-global food system actors and advocate for action on sustainable consumption and reduced food waste. The focus of the organizational learning and action process is to strengthen this work: Connecting the dots across thematic expertise in the organization, aligning diverse initiatives that are taking place in the organization as well as deepening our practice and developing new approaches.
Please use the above link to access the Request for Proposal.
CLOSED February 20th, 2023 Audit Services under a framework contract for DanChurchAid Copenhagen
DCA is looking to establish a three-year framework contract with the possibility of extension for up to two years with a well-established chartered accountant who can provide professional services, the best and most efficient set-up for auditing, advice and guidance concerning best practices and optimization of financial processes in a proactive, honest and trustful way, and in close collaboration with DCA.
As a minimum, the service provider is expected to deliver the below services:
(1) Annual audit of DCA consolidated financial statements and other annually recurring assignments
(2) Audit of DANIDA SPA (Strategic Partnership Agreement) consolidated accounts, and
(3) Ad hoc assignments
Please review the tender notice for more information.
CLOSED November 28th, 2022 Provision of Medical Insurance Services for DanChurchAid (DCA) Kenya Office for the Year 2023
DanChurchAid (DCA) Kenya is working with refugees and local communities in Turkana, West Pokot, Baringo, Elgeyo Marakwet, Nyandarua, Nakuru, Busia and Siaya counties to enhance peace, livelihoods and resilience. DCA implements projects directly as well as through local partner organizations.
DCA invites qualified suppliers of medical insurance services for the DCA Kenya Office for the year 2023 to respond to this advertisement. Suppliers who have responded to this advertisement and provides the required information may be invited to participate in the Procurement Procedure for the relevant lot(s).
The interested supplier shall provide the following information to the Contracting Authority using the contact details below: The company’s name and contact details, contact person and title, brief description of the company’s background and main line of work, experience with this kind of supply/service, company profile, Registration Certificate with relevant authorities, VAT/TIN number.
This is purely information on business opportunities and does not constitute a commitment to purchase or any other form of contractual commitment with the Contracting Authority.
CLOSED November 24th, 2022 Financial Service Provider for Cash Transfer and Distribution Services, Northeast Syria, and Erbil, Iraq
DCA has provided life-saving support to conflict-affected communities in Northeast Syria (NES) since 2015 through the delivery of shelter support, Non-Food Item (NFI) kits, food security, marked-based interventions, Psychosocial Support (PSS), and humanitarian mine action (HMA) including Risk Education (RE). DCA also implements Multipurpose Cash transfer Projects funded by its Donors.
DanChurchAid Northeast Syria, in cooperation with several donors, invites qualified service providers of the following services to respond to this advertisement. Financial service providers who have responded to this advertisement and provide the required information will be sent the Tender Dossier to Participate in this Procurement Goods and services needed: Cash Transfer Services within Northeast Syria and Erbil Iraq and Cash Distribution Services within Northeast Syria and Erbil Iraq.
The interested supplier shall indicate which supplies or services you are interested in supplying to the Contracting Authority using the contact details below and provide the following information: The company’s name and contact details and contact person.
Tender Documents can be requested from the emails mota@dca.dk or miwu@dca.dk, or applicants can visit any of the following DCA Offices to obtain the Tender Dossier:
Erbil, Iraq- Al Muntazah – Ankawa, Erbil, Iraq (36°13’40.1″N 43°59’44.5″E)
Raqqa Northeast Syria – Intifada Street, Opposite Al-Furat Hospital (35°56’41.”N 38°59’54″E)
Derek Northeast Syria – Traffic Center Street, Opposite IRC Office
LUKKET 7. oktober 2022 Videograf til digital formidling – kort deadline!
Folkekirkens nødhjælp søger en VJ’er med speciale i digital formidling og SoMe-formater til produktionsrejse til Etiopien i og omkring uge 44, 2022. Produktionsrejsen er estimeret til 8-10 dage og relateret til Folkekirkens Nødhjælps husstandsindsamling den 12. marts 2022.
LUKKET 22. september 2022 Grafiker til Giv-en-Ged Kampagne
Folkekirkens nødhjælp inviterer interesserede grafikere til at afgive et tilbud på grafisk design samt support til vores Giv en Ged-kampagne. De overordnede opgaver vil indebære sparring og ideudvikling på grafisk materiale samt produktion af diverse digitale og trykte materialer til Giv en Ged’s jule- og påskekampagne. Folkekirkens Nødhjælp støtter verdens fattigste i deres kamp for et værdigt liv og hjælper mennesker i nød. Vi giver akut nødhjælp i katastroferamte områder og langsigtet udviklingshjælp i fattige egne for at skabe en mere ligeværdig og bæredygtig Verden.
CLOSED September 18th,2022 Financial Service Provider for Cash Transfer and Distribution Services, Northeast Syria, and Erbil, Iraq
DCA is looking to Contract a Financial Service provider to Cash Transfer and Distribution Services within Northeast Syria and Erbil, Iraq.
DCA has provided life-saving support to conflict-affected communities in Northeast Syria (NES) since 2015 through the delivery of shelter support, Non-Food Item (NFI) kits, food security, marked-based interventions, Psychosocial Support (PSS), and humanitarian mine action (HMA) including Risk Education (RE). DCA Also implements Multipurpose Cash transfer Projects funded by its Donors.
DanChurchAid Northeast Syria, in cooperation with Several Donors, invites qualified Service providers of the following services to respond to this advertisement.
CLOSED September 10th, 2022 Consultant for Project Evaluation, Ninewa, Iraq
DCA has provided life-saving support to conflict affected communities in Iraq since 2017 through the delivery of humanitarian mine action (HMA) capacity enhancement for national organisations based in Ninewa. DCA is seeking an external consultant with experience in HMA and/or capacity enhancement of national organisations to evaluate the current two year project funded by UNMAS & DANIDA.
The objective of the evaluation focuses on the assessment of the appropriateness, timeliness, relevance, and overall effectiveness of the intervention to achieve its objective: The capacity development of a National NGO in Iraq that can effectively and independently engage in needs based explosive hazard management response, in a sustainable and inclusive manner, aligned with the priorities of the National Authority. The evaluation will also provide DCA with recommendations on how to improve project design and capacity enhancement activities for future HMA programming.
CLOSED July 29th, 2022 Consultant for Mapping of Livelihood Infrastructure, West Nile, Uganda
Terms of Reference for documentation/mapping of livelihoods initiative for West Nile under the Development Initiative for Northern Uganda (DINU-LEWA) project infrastructure and sites/groups meeting points.
The overall objective is to produce well-designed Maps of the different locations where DINU-LEWA interventions have been completed, these will include different infrastructures and sites.
The specific objectives are to Map all project infrastructure and sites across the districts of Yumbe, Koboko, Maracha, Arua, Terego, and Madi Okollo, to produce Map and File folders among other materials, for future reference, and to capture and document Alongside Mapping, Quality Photographs of these structures and sites respectively.
CLOSED July 4th, 2022 Consultant for Resilience Design Training, Uganda
DCA seeks a consultant/trainer with specialist knowledge, experience and capacity required to conduct a Resilience Design Training to Build Capacity on Resilience and Scale up of Agroecology Methodologies.
The overall purpose of the training consultancy is to equip selected participants with practical (hands-on) knowledge, skills and in-depth understanding using a participatory approach to resilience design, focused on the use of locally available resources (materials) including materials that are often considered wastes in households.
CLOSED June 19th, 2022 Consultant for Give-a-Goat Evaluation
DanChurchAid is looking to hire an external consultant with specialist knowledge of small livestock and development to travel to Malawi with the purpose of evaluating the DCA Give-a-Goat campaign and making recommendations for future implementation.
CLOSED May 30th, 2022 Consultant for Midterm Project Evaluation
DCA is seeking a consultant for a midterm evaluation for a four year, donor funded human rights project. The program aims to strengthen human rights in Cambodia through empowering Cambodian citizens to exercise their human rights, and provides the citizens with the knowledge, skills and confidence to understand, pursue and defend their human rights.
The ARC project is mid-way through the life cycle of the project and DCA is seeking to carry out a process evaluation for learning, adaptation and accountability purposes. The findings, conclusions and recommendations of the evaluation will provide guidance to support the final years of the project implementation and adaptations required in order for the project to be successful in achieving its objectives. It will also contribute to organisational learning both at DCA Cambodia and within implementing local partners.
CLOSED May 20th, 2022 Consultant to Modernize DCA’s Risk Management Policy
DCA is looking for a risk management consultant to modernize our risk management policy and procedures. The overall objective of this contract is to consult with DCA stakeholders and develop and launch a risk management policy that matches the needs of the organisation. Are you the right person for the job? Let us know!
CLOSED April 25th, 2022 Consultant for Research and Production of a Report About Private Investments in Adaptation
DCA is looking for a consultant, who can produce a report in dialogue with DCA and relevant stakeholders from both the civil society and the private sector. Adaptation around the world is urgently needed. How can the private sector contribute to adaptation efforts in developing countries? This will be explored in a research, led by DCA.
CLOSED April 21st, 2022 Consultant as Innovative Financing advisor to DCA Uganda and Kenya office
DCA has worked with impact business and innovative financing models for several years. Ensuring financial sustainability of DCA’s projects is a long-term objective in DCA’s new global strategy and financial goals with a view to gear additional financing to DCA’s work as an exit strategy.
DCA is looking for a consultant based in the area of operation to test the relevance of including new financial capacity at country level in Uganda and Kenya; thereby developing impact business models that can attract innovative financing for long-term sustainability in DCA’s market-driven programming and projects. The ambition is to identify, test and consolidate models for DCA and partners to operate in and manage financial opportunities in an eco-system of local financial services. For an overview of the consultancy, please consult the Terms of Reference and download the Request for Proposal to submit your bid.
CLOSED March 25th, 2022 DCA invites bids for carbon credits from offset programme – under a framework contract
DCA is looking for a service provider of certified carbon credits to be purchased on a continuous basis under a three-year framework contract. The Service is required for DCA’s CO2 product, which includes CO2 offsets and support to DCA climate projects sold to private companies as well as for DCA to offset a part of the organisation’s own emissions.
DCA is looking for projects preferably located in Uganda and alternatively Kenya, Ethiopia, or Zimbabwe that generate carbon offsets via forestry or other nature-based solutions. Projects can include improved agricultural land management, agroforestry, etc. Furthermore, DCA is looking for offset projects which are community-based, has a documented social benefit for the project participants, and has established a solid framework for assessing risks related to the project.
CANCELLED April 21st, 2022 Consultance pour le développement d’une méthodologie de formation en prévention de conflit et consolidation de la paix
DCA est présente au Mali depuis 2013, dans les régions de Mopti, Ségou et Tombouctou. À partir de janvier 2022, grâce à un financement de la Fondation PATRIP, DCA et ses partenaires, l’ONG internationale Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) et les ONG nationales malienne TASSAGHT et burkinabé SOLIDEV, mettront en œuvre un nouveau projet, à travers 20 villages du Mali et du Burkina Faso.
Outre l’approche de sensibilité aux conflits qui sera appliquée à l’ensemble du projet, celui-ci contient une composante spécifique en Prévention des conflits et consolidation de la paix (CPPB) innovante. Nous recherchons un ou une consultant(e) qui, à partir des capacités existantes de DCA et ses partenaires en CPPB, développera une méthodologie de formation « sur-mesure », concevra les outils de formation spécifiques à cette méthodologie et formera les équipes techniques du projet.
Voulez-vous faire partie de cette approche innovante ? Alors merci de consulter l’appel à propositions ci-joint, comprenant les Termes de Références détaillés et les explications sur comment soumettre vos propositions.
CLOSED January 31st, 2022 Advertisement for business opportunity for the supply of various commodities and services for DanChurchAid (DCA)
DanChurchAid (DCA), Bangladesh, invites qualified suppliers of one or several of the following goods and services to respond to this advertisement. Suppliers who have responded to this advertisement and provides the required information may be invited to participate in the Procurement Procedure for the relevant lot(s) in the future.
CLOSED January 22nd, 2022 Advertisement of business opportunity for the supply of certified carbon offset credits
DCA is committed to addressing climate change in our international programmes, our engagement work with private sector and other stakeholders in Denmark, our advocacy work, and our internal practices.
DCA is therefore looking for a service provider to deliver certified carbon offset credits, and calls on interested service providers to express their interest. The certified carbon credits will be used for DCA’s own compensation for flight-related emissions and a third-party commercial product. For an overview of the service, please consult the Advertisement for Business Opportunities on the link above.
CLOSED November 30th, 2021, Request for Proposal for a Consultancy for Partner Capacity Assessment
DCA has operated in CAR since 2015, and its country office intervenes on the dynamic and accountable engagement of civil society, democratic authorities, and a responsible private sector. The DCA CAR country office wishes to engage a consultant who can conduct an in-depth capacity assessment of different NNGOs, analyze their situations and suggest actions needed to strengthen the capacity of the assessed NNGOs.
The consultant should have strong experience in conducting similar capacity assessments and have a good understanding of the CAR context and institutional environment. For an overview of the consultancy, please consult the Terms of Reference and download the Request for Proposal to submit your bid. The Terms of Reference for the posting can be accessed here
CLOSED October 25th, 2021, Consultancy for mapping of and policy recommendations on tech and democracy
DanChurchAid (DCA) is in a process of developing its long-term strategy in relation to Tech and Democracy and is seeking a consultant to 1) map activities relating to tech and democracy in DCA country offices especially focussing on the digital divide and digital human rights violations, and 2) to articulate best practices and identify areas for improvement. DCA will draw on the results of the study to develop recommendations for future programming, strategy, and advocacy development in this area and to further strengthen our work on tech and democracy. For a description of the task please refer to the Terms of Reference and for a full description of bid requirements, please consult the Request for Proposal.
LUKKET 24. oktober 2021, Invitation til Tilbud på 3-årig Rammekontrakt vedr. kopi, print og trykkeri
Folkekirkens Nødhjælp inviterer alle interesserede Leverandører til at afgive tilbud på 3-årig Rammekontrakt vedr. kopi, print og trykkeri ydelser med en økonomiskramme på 1.900.000 DKK. Folkekirkens Nødhjælp støtter verdens fattigste i deres kamp for et værdigt liv og hjælper mennesker i nød. Vi giver akut nødhjælp i katastroferamte områder og langsigtet udviklingshjælp i fattige egne for at skabe en mere ligeværdig og bæredygtig verden.
Følgende dokumenter indgår i udbudsmaterialet:
Bilag A: Mindstekrav
Bilag B: Evalueringsteknisk prisark
Bilag C: Bestillingsblanket
CLOSED October 3rd, 2021, Request for Proposal for a consultancy on DCA’s Human Rights-Based Approach (HRBA)
In DanChurchAid (DCA), promoting human rights is a goal in itself, but human rights are also the foundation on which we work, it is our legitimacy to be present where we are, and the HRBA is the methodology that we base all of our work on. DCA was one of the first CSOs in Denmark to start working with a human rights-based approach and we aim to continue to be a frontrunner when it comes to promoting and protecting human rights in our developmental and humanitarian work. DCA conducted an internal study in the first half of 2021 self-assessing DCA‘s work on promoting and protecting human rights via the PANEL+ gender principles. The purpose of this consultancy is to take the findings further, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of DCA’s HRBA in relation to the humanitarian and development sector, finding areas for improvement and new inspiration to DCA’s HRBA across the triple nexus. For an overview of the consultancy, please consult the Terms of Reference and download the Request for Proposal to submit your bid.
CLOSED October 1st, 2021, Request for Proposal for a Consultancy for a Global Electronic Voucher Evaluation
The past 10 years DanChurchAid (DCA) has increasingly been using cash programming to respond to humanitarian needs as well as to enhance emergency preparedness. DCA has since 2016 used electronic vouchers as a cash transfer modality to respond to emergencies in countries like Lebanon, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Uganda, Zimbabwe, CAR, Palestine, Mali. The e-voucher programs have been directly implemented by DCA or by national partner organisations. Funded by donors like ECHO, DFID/FCDO, USAID, Danida or own funds. The purpose of the evaluation is to assess the overall performance of DCAs global electronic voucher programme’s achievements and to guide DCA around possible improvements and opportunities. For an overview of the consultancy, please consult these Terms of Reference.
LUKKET 31. august 2021, Invitation til Tilbud på Stilfotografi ifm. Produktionstur til Kenya
Folkekirkens Nødhjælp støtter verdens fattigste i deres kamp for et værdigt liv og hjælper mennesker i nød. Vi giver akut nødhjælp i katastroferamte områder og langsigtet udviklingshjælp i fattige egne for at skabe en mere ligeværdig og bæredygtig verden. Projektet, der skal understøttes, er fundraisingkampagnen Giv en Ged. Som del af Giv en ged-kampagnen afvikles hvert år en produktionstur til et af Folkekirkens Nødhjælps projektlande ofte i selskab med en eller flere udvalgt(e) ambassadører for Folkekirkens Nødhjælp. I 2021 går rejsen til Kenya, hvor ambassadør Jakob Fauerby og hans partner Anders Fauerby tager med.
LUKKET 9. august 2021, Invitation til Tilbud på Grafisk Design til Giv en Ged kampagnen
Folkekirkens Nødhjælp i København inviterer kandidater til at afgive et tilbud på grafisk design og produktion til Giv en Ged 2021 julekampagne og 2022 påskekampagne. Opgaverne vil indebære sparring og ideudvikling på grafisk materiale samt produktion af diverse både digitale og trykte materialer. For yderligere information se Invitation til Tilbud, kampagnemateriale og www.givenged.dk. Giv en ged-kampagnen har til formål at skabe engagement ved at fortælle historien om bæredygtig udviklingsbistand på en letforståelig måde over for hele den danske befolkning. Vi ser frem til at modtage dit tilbud
CLOSED August 6th, 2021, Request for Proposal for a consultancy for a new Palestine Country Program 2022-26
DanChurchAid Palestine invites candidates to submit a proposal for the “Support for the development of DCA/NCA Joint Country Program”. The Service is required to produce the country strategy, a MEAL plan and conduct Theory of Change workshops with the staff and the partners in the West Bank and Gaza.
CLOSED July 13th, 2021, Request for Proposal for Project Evaluation in North East Syria
DanChurchAid North East Syria (NES), with funding from the USAID Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance (BHA), has recently provided monthly Cash-for-Food support to approximately 3,000 households within NES to address the food needs and improve the well-being of conflict affected families in target areas.
DanChurchAid is planning to conduct an end of project evaluation and is launching a Request for Proposal, inviting interested and qualified consultants to review the Tender notice, the Terms of References and submit their bid in compliance with the Request for Proposal.
CLOSED June 21st, 2021 Request for Proposal for Short-Term Consultancy on Country Programme Development Process
In August 2017, hundreds of thousands of Rohingya, a persecuted minority from western Myanmar’s Rakhine State, began crossing the Bangladeshi border into Cox’s Bazar district. More than 900,000 refugees have since taken refuge in Bangladesh. DCA has an office in Dhaka and established an office in Cox’s Bazar in December 2017 in response to the influx of Rohingya refugees. The country programme has four main components: Gender-Based Violence and Protection, Education in Emergency, Camp improvement and Emergency Response, and Cash and Livelihood programming.
The consultant will bring to the Country Programme Development (CPD) process previous experience from developing and writing successful integrated, multi-sectoral, strategy involving several stakeholders and team members ensuring the participatory approach. It is desirable that consultant also brings a good understanding of issues relating to education/vocational skills and livelihoods, GBV and protection sectors.
CLOSED May 22nd, 2021 Terms of Reference for provision of electronic voucher services
DCA has been supporting refugees and local communities in Kakuma and Kalobeyei with humanitarian assistance and long-term development aid since the early 1990s. DCA Kakuma programme supports a variety of sectors including agriculture, livelihoods, climate resilience, financial inclusion and youth empowerment, entrepreneurship and life skills development, value chain and market development, peace building and protection.
During the year 2021, DCA intends to transition into the use of e-vouchers in the provision of essential inputs to project beneficiaries. Towards this end, DCA office in Kakuma invites qualified electronic input voucher service providers to express interest to partner with DCA in providing of the proposed service as detailed in this TOR.
CLOSED March 26th, 2021, Request for Proposals for the provision of photography and videography media content under a 2-year framework contract
DanChurchAid (DCA) wishes to establish a collaboration through a 2-year framework contract with up to three (3) Uganda-based freelancers who can deliver high quality media content for documentation and communication of the projects implemented by DCA and partner organisations in Uganda. The previously posted Request for Expression of Interest in this framework contract has been taken down due to time limitations and replaced by the detailed Request for Proposal (RFP), we apologize for any inconvenience caused.
DCA has been supporting poor communities in Uganda with relief and long-term development assistance since 1979, working in areas with increasing levels of inequality and exclusion based on income, geography, gender, age and displacement because of conflict and other disasters and harsh climatic conditions.
CLOSED February 12th, 2021, Consultancy for Innovative farming solutions for smallholder farmers in West Nile and Northern Uganda
DanChurchAid (DCA) invites candidates to submit a proposal for contributing to innovative farming solutions for smallholder farmers in West Nile and Northern Uganda. The overall objective of the project is to contribute to stability in Northern Uganda, eradicate poverty, under-nutrition and strengthen the foundation for sustainable and inclusive socio-economic development.
DanChurchAid (DCA), in collaboration with Lutheran World Federation (LWF) (lead responder), Mukwano and Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau (UPMB) jointly responded to a call by Uganda Government under Development Initiative for Northern Uganda (DINU) supported by European Union (EU). DINU/LEWA (Livelihoods Enhancement for West Nile and Acholi) aspires to improve Livelihoods in West Nile and Northern region through integrated complementary interventions of increased production, marketing, nutrition, and family planning programs.
CLOSED January 22nd, 2021, Consultancy for GHG accounting, climate action targets and plans in Denmark
DanChurchAid (DCA) invites candidates to submit a proposal for provision of consultancy services to build organisational capacity for GHG accounting, setting of climate action targets and development of climate action plans.
The capacity development process is a joint initiative of DanChurchAid, Danish Red Cross, WWF Denmark, MS Action Aid and Danish Refugee Council to map our respective organisational carbon emission baselines, identify priority action areas, set emission reduction targets, develop a strategy for emission reductions and disclose our progress on emission reductions. The process will contribute to our efforts to minimize negative environmental and climate impacts of our operations and chart a climate responsible path forward for humanitarian and development assistance.
CLOSED December 10th, 2020, Consultancy for the Digitalization and improved access to credit for VSLAs in West Nile Uganda
DanChurchAid (DCA), in collaboration with Lutheran World Federation and Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau (UPMB) jointly responded to a call by Uganda Government under Development Initiative for Northern Uganda (DINU) supported by European Union (EU). This project aspires to improve Livelihoods in West Nile and Northern region through integrated complementary interventions of increased production, marketing, nutrition, and family planning programs.
The project seeks to digitalize and link VSLAs (Savings Groups) to formal financial services providers for access to improved credit in rural host communities. While VSLAs have transformed rural & vulnerable people’s ability to save money and empowered them to increase earning potential, the absolute amount of capital held remains small and has not resulted into significant growth of business activities to make VSLA members financially secure. The project sets out to provide savings measures and complementary financial and non-financial services to credit ready communities.
CLOSED August 7th, 2020, Consulting team for thematic resilience evaluation
DanChurchAid (DCA) is commissioning a global thematic evaluation of its work to build resilient communities, and is recruiting an external consultancy team for this purpose. Our global goal to build resilient communities will be at the centre of this study and our aim is to build on our strengths in partnership and our work with communities. This will require a strategic and progressive evaluation design to help us understand what works and what we can do better.
The evaluation is expected to make a major contribution to DCA’s learning objectives and new international strategy, helping us consolidate our performance and approach. The evaluation is scheduled to take place in the period September 2020 to February 2021. Interested consultancies should submit a proposal using the requested format by 7th August 2020.
CLOSED August 16th, 2020, Framework Contract for Translation Services
We wish to conclude a framework contract with a well-established company for a translation service with the duration of two years. The nature of our work requires professional written translation services in various languages and for that purpose, we wish to provide all departments of DanChurchAid and its Country Offices easy and timely access to written translation services of the best quality at a fixed and pre-agreed price.
CLOSED July 5th, 2020, Consultancy for needs and market assessment of the Pyrethrum Sub-sector in Kenya
DCA Kenya continues to engage in Market Systems Development Programming in Kenya with a keen interest of enhancing economic and social empowerment of smallholder farmers in Kenya. Towards this end, DCA is seeking a consultancy services to support in a market mapping, analysis and an intervention model design for the Pyrethrum sub-sector focusing on Nakuru, Nyandarua, West Pokot and Elgeyo Marakwet counties.
CLOSED June 23rd, 2020, DCA/NCA Palestine Joint Country Program Evaluation
DCA/NCA Palestine Joint Country Program embarks on developing a new programme strategy for Palestine 2021-25, and is looking for a consultant to evaluate the past country programme. The findings, conclusions and recommendations of the evaluation will provide substantial guidance to the design of next country programme cycle and will contribute to organisational learning at the global and country levels of the organisation.organisational learning at the global and country levels of the organisation.
CLOSED March 27th, 2020 Framework Agreement for Insurance Broker Services
DanChurchAid Denmark is looking for a well-established and international experienced insurance broker to be responsible for the entire DCA insurance program. The objective is to establish a 3-year contract with the possibility of renegotiating the contract for an additional two years. Interested candidates can access and submit a proposal through the above link.
CLOSED March 6th, 2020, Consultancy for the Evaluation of the DCA Malawi 2016-2020 Programme in Lilongwe, Malawi
DCA’s country programme in Malawi is coming to the end of a 5 year cycle in 2020. DCA is seeking a consultant to carry out a consolidated evaluation of the 2016-2020 Malawi country programme for learning and accountability purposes. The findings, conclusions and recommendations of the evaluation will provide substantial guidance to the design of a 5 year Joint Country Programme with Norwegian Church Aid in Malawi commencing in 2021, and will also contribute to organisational learning at the DCA global and country levels of the organisation. The relevant documents are the Request for Proposal and the Terms of References.
CLOSED March 4th, 2020, Call for Grants Proposals in Renewable Energy in Uganda
DanChurchAid Uganda with the support from DANIDA is launching a Green Challenge and calling for proposals in renewable energy in West Nile, Uganda with the objective to increase adoption of clean sustainable energy products by households for cooking and lighting. The winner will be awarded a grant of up to USD 40.000.
CLOSED November 15th, 2019, 5 pm Libya time, Consultant for research of the socio-economic impact of humanitarian mine action in Sirte, Libya
DCA Libya Programme is looking for a consultant to conduct a socio-economic study with the focus on an in-depth measurement of the impact of humanitarian mine action in the city of Sirte. This will be used to measure the impact on the socio-economic situation of communities, including their access to basic services, increase in livelihoods, and the work’s contribution to the goals outlined in the agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The consultant will be requested to conduct the study remotely from Tunisia and as homebased, through the support of Libya based national staff and volunteers and with overall support from the administrative base in Tunis.
CLOSED March 15th, 2019, Request for Proposal for the Final Evaluation of EU project in Libya
The service is required for an external evaluation of the project “Support stabilisation i Libya through Mine Action and Building Safer Communities” an intervention supported by the European Union. Since 2016, DCA has implemented this Mine Action Project with the purpose of contributing to safer living conditions for communities in Libya. DCA is now looking to hire a consultant to assess the impact of the project and draw lessons learned for the future.
CLOSED March 10th, 2019, Call for companies to provide audit services in Juba, South Sudan
The audit is required for a 3-year DFID funded project in South Sudan. Audit purposes, expected results, scope, timing as well as auditor’s responsibility and qualifications are available though the above link. This is information for business opportunity, only and does not constitute a commitment to purchase or any other form of contractual commitment by the Contracting Authority.
CLOSED March 4th, 2019, Consultancy for integration of GBV prevention & response into Cash & Voucher Assistance (CVA)
The service is requested for the project “Integration of Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) with gender and Gender Based Violence (GBV) for DCA” – an intervention targeting DCA Country Offices and Partners.
DCA has more than 10 years of global experience on delivering cash and voucher assistance as part of humanitarian response programmes. With an increased focus on setting gender outcomes and referring GBV survivors to cash assistance, DCA is now looking to hire an external consultant to lead the project and set guidelines for how DCA can work strategically with Gender and GBV in cash assistance.
CLOSED February 11th, 2019 Call for Pre-Qualification for Uganda based Suppliers and Service Providers
DanChurchAid Uganda has received funding from its development and humanitarian partners and would like to prequalify potential companies and organisations to provide goods and services as stated through the link above. Applicants MUST complete the Supplier Registration Form and read and understand DCA General Terms and Conditions and Code of Conduct for Contractors.
CLOSED Consultant for Women & Livelihoods Assessment in South Sudan
DCA Emergency Assistance Programme is looking for an consultant to provide updated assessment of livelihood opportunities for people – and more specifically women – in a conflict affected area. The deadline for the assessment is January 2019.
CLOSED Consultancy for Mine Action Project Evaluation in Lebanon
The Service is required for an external evaluation of the project “Support to Clearance Operations in Lebanon” an intervention supported by the European Union Delegation to Lebanon. Since 2016, DCA has been implementing at Mine Action Project in Lebanon with the purpose of contributing to Lebanon’s efforts to complete clearance of contaminated land to free it up for socio-economic development. DCA is now looking to hire an external consultant to assess the impact of the project and draw lessons learned for the future.
CLOSED Supply & Delivery of Two (2) Toyota Land Cruiser Hard Top 10 Seaters (5 doors)- Right Hand Drive (RHD), 2018 Model
DanChurchAid, Nairobi Offices invites qualified suppliers of one or several of the following goods and services to respond to this advertisement. Suppliers who have responded to this advertisement and provides the required information may be invited to participate in the Procurement Procedure for the relevant lot(s).
CLOSED Market assessment consultant
The DCA/NCA joint office in Palestine is looking for a consultant for market assessment and research. The overall objective of the assignment is to identify market opportunities for Palestinian commodities within the Danish market, in order to create jobs for Palestinian individuals and income opportunities for Palestinian small/medium-scale producers.
CLOSED Consultancy for training of local partner staff in working with SGBV
DanChurchAid South Sudan is looking for a consultant to provide adequate training of local partner staff and protection group members in outreach in preventing, addressing, and supporting survivors of SGBV.
CLOSED Re-advert: National open tender for the purchase of vehicle
DanChurchAid Ethiopia invites interested suppliers/traders to participate in the procurement procedure for the procurement of vehicle for which the lot is listed in the RFQ: Toyota Land Cruiser, Hardtop, Station Wagon 5 doors. 1 new 9-seater 4×4 station wagon.
CLOSED Consultants to provide training for a Local NGO on Good Governance for Boards of Directors
DanChurchAid South Sudan is looking for consultants to support leaders for governance among members of boards of directors to develop the skills and knowledge needed to implement Local NGO governance.
CLOSED Consultancy for the Evaluation of DCA’s assistance to South Sudanese Refugees and Host Communities in Gambella, Ethiopia
DanChurchAid Ethiopia is looking for a consultant to carry out an evaluation of two Danida funded projects in Gambella refugee camps. Both projects will be completed by December 31st 2017.
CLOSED Consultancy for the Evaluation of ACT Uganda Local Climate Change Advocacy Project
DanChurchAid Uganda is looking for a consultant(s) to carry out an evaluation of the project “Strengthening of local climate change advocacy – making local voices heard in the climate debate”. The evaluation assignment is planned to take place between November and December 2017 over a period of 20 days. The evaluation will seek to visit some of the Districts in Teso and Karamoja and will cover activities of the implementing partners in addition to National level activities.