DanChurchAid is certified by the Humanitarian Quality Assurance Initiative (HQAI), an organisation that evaluates the work and methods of development and relief organisations to assess whether we meet the internationally recognised quality requirements of the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS).
CHS certification is an important tool in our daily work
The Core Humanitarian Standard helps us to assess the quality of our programmes and projects, as well as improve the way we work. It also reduces the risk of errors, abuse, and corruption – for the benefit of the organisation, but not least for the people we work for.
Being CHS certified means that DanChurchAid must meet the nine obligations that constitute the Core Humanitarian Standard.
We are obligated to ensure that our development and relief work:

- Is relevant to the target groups and adapted to their cultural and social context
- Is effective and timely
- Strengthens local capacities and avoids negative effects
- Is based on clear communication and on the participation and feedback of the target groups
- Accepts and addresses any complaints
- Coordinates with other players and complements the efforts of others
- Is based on knowledge, experience and learning from our own work and that of others
- Is carried out by competent staff who are supported to do their job effectively and are treated fairly and equitably
- Is based on the efficient and responsible management of our resources
Each commitment has a number of specific sub-items which clarify and elucidate how we should meet the obligation. You can read more about the Core Humanitarian Standard and how to work with it here.
The Core Humanitarian Standard is based on the principle of accountability towards the people we work for. Accountability means that we are responsible for and that we listen to and consider the views of the people we help. It also means that we can be held responsible by those affected by our work, for example, through our complaint system.
A high degree of accountability is particularly important in organisations such as ours that assist or act on behalf of people who are affected by disasters, conflicts, poverty, or other crises.
DCA has a responsibility towards the people we help through our work to reduce poverty and save lives when disaster strikes. The people we work for and with often live in unsafe areas and in vulnerable situations, with limited control or ability to influence the legislative authorities and institutions, and our work can have a major impact on their lives.
Certified for Core Humanitarian Standard
CHS was established in 2014 and was an extension of two previous standards: Human Accountability Partnership (HAP) standard and People in Aid. DanChurchAid was HAP-certified prior to CHS.
CHS certification is granted for a period of four years after the external auditors have carried out a thorough examination of the organisation’s quality assurance systems and their implementation. DanChurchAid is audited each year by external CHS auditors; its last four-year CHS certificate was renewed in 2021 and remains valid until January 2025.
Find more information about the organisation that conducted the CHS audit here: Humanitarian Quality Assurance Initiative
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Angie Farah
Accountability and Complaints Advisor
Tel. +45 5060 2070