The Issue
For more than 30 years, the security situation in the DR Congo has led to a complex and prolonged humanitarian crisis, of which the acuteness and scope has increased over time. The ongoing crisis has caused immeasurable human and material damage, and compounded with the impacts of COVID-19, is plunging a large part of Congolese population into a situation of extreme vulnerability. Civilians continue to pay a heavy price because of multifaceted conflicts, with nearly 5.7 million people internally displaced, making the DR Congo the country with the largest number of internally displaced people on the African continent, and with more than 26.4 million cannot meet their basic food needs, and some 6.4 million of those people are affected by acute malnutrition (OCHA, 2023).
The Project
The project provides multisectoral lifesaving and life-sustaining assistance, protection services and resilience-building to support at-risk and vulnerable people in hard-to-reach areas in four areas in North Kivu (Walikale, Masisi, Rutshuru and Lubero territories). The activity’s multi-sectoral purpose is to improve humanitarian access, economic recovery, and basic living conditions of appoxematly 160,000 conflict-affected persons through cash-for-work, water, sanitation, and hygiene, shelter, and protection interventions in hard-to-reach areas of North Kivu.
The Change
DCA and HEKS/EPER is intervening in the sectors of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, Shelter and Settlements, Protection, and Economic Recovery and Market Systems. HEKS/EPER is rehabilitating infrastructure key to enhance the population’s access to humanitarian assistance through Cash-for-Work, and the emergency distribution of water, sanitation, hygiene, and shelter- non-food items.
DCA is implementing emergency distribution of shelters and non-food items and a preventive and responsive gender-based violence intervention, including the provision of livelihoods support including New Livelihoods Opportunities and the support to survivors of and women at risk of gender-based violence.
Swiss member of the Act Alliance. In this project, HEKS EPER rehabilitates infrastructure (roads and bridges) through Cash-For-Work. This will improve humanitarian access in hard-to-reach areas of DR Congo. In addition, they provide WASH kits to these areas, in which humanitarian actors have previously not have access. EPER – Entraide Protestante Suisse | EPER

The Results
DCA has distributed more than 13,000 Shelter and non-food item-kits to people displaced by the conflict in North Kivu. Moreover, DCA has provided preventive and responsive gender- based violence- intervention across the four territories in North Kivu. More specifically, this has involved, the setup of nine local protection committees and the training of their members on gender- based violence, the training of 35 community leaders and authorities on gender-based violence, the establishment of three women safe spaces, the identification on 20 community-based volunteer psychosocial agents, the identification on five positive masculinity groups, the identification of one local theatre troop and two local radios for the broadcasting of five different gender-based violence-related messages, and the provision of cash for protection to gender-based violence survivors
Our Work
DCA provides integrated humanitarian assistance focused primarily on protection and distribution of cash as well as shelter and non-food item kits. In addition to the humanitarian assistance focused on North Kivu, DCA is the only international NGO still doing humanitarian mine action in DR Congo. By providing Risk Education and clearing contaminated areas, DCA helps save lives in the conflict-ridden country.
About the project
Title: Integrated emergency assistance to improve living conditions of extreme hardship cases amongst the conflict-affected people in hard-to-reach areas of the Eastern DR Congo
Period: 01 August 2022 – 31 July 2024
Partner: HEKS EPER
Amount: 6,225,000.00 USD
Number of people reached by end of project (expected): 191,796
Donor: USAID – Bureau of Humanitarian Affairs (BHA)