Letting the Youth in CAR Take Ownership of Their Political Future! 

DCA launches project that will promote youth engagement for peace and democracy in the Central African Republic.

© Alfred Lyster Thonke

On the 12th of February, the DCA CAR office launched the “Pathways to Empowerment: Advancing Marginalized Youth Participation to Promote a Peaceful and Democratic Culture in CAR” project in Sibut. The event was marked by the presence of Lucienne Baka, Governor of the Region, along with key representatives from the Ministries of Youth, Health, and Humanitarian Affairs, highlighting the importance of empowering young people in CAR’s peace and governance processes. 

Youth in CAR face political exclusion, economic marginalization, and manipulation by political elites and armed groups. Despite comprising nearly 38.9% of the population, young people are largely absent from decision-making spaces, with youth representation in parliament, election consultations, and government positions being tokenistic at best. In conflict-affected areas like Bangui, Kaga Bandoro, and Sibut, youth are often coerced or incentivized into political activities that serve elite interests, limiting their ability to engage in constructive democratic participation.

Additionally, high levels of trauma and generational violence have further eroded their confidence in political processes. Women, in particular, face significant cultural and institutional barriers to participation, as patriarchal norms dictate that their primary role is within the household rather than in public decision-making. These factors contribute to disenfranchisement, frustration, and susceptibility to manipulation, making it critical to create safe and meaningful pathways for youth to engage in governance and peacebuilding efforts.

The Governor (on the right) holds the signed agreement of the project – stating how it will help the youths of CAR to engage in civil society. On the left, the head of UNPBF-CAR, Anatole Ndoma, and DCA’s country director, Jérôme Berson, can be seen.

This initiative – funded by the UN Peacebuilding Fund and implemented by DCA in partnership with Conciliation Resources and local organizations – aims to strengthen the role of marginalized youth, particularly women, in political and civic life. Through leadership training, advocacy for peace, and psychosocial support, the project seeks to counter political exclusion and contribute to a more stable and democratic CAR. 


The United Nations Peacebuilding Fund (UNPBF) is the UN’s leading funding instrument for conflict-prevention and peacebuilding. In 2022 it controlled over 40 million USD, operated in 24 countries and supported more than 120 projects worldwide.

There was large media attention at the launch. Here, DCA’s country director is giving an interview to national TV.

With youth making up more than a third of CAR’s population, their engagement is essential to breaking cycles of violence and fostering long-term peace. Up until this point, the youth in CAR have had a limited civic-space to engange with. The launch also received national media attention, reflecting the momentum behind these efforts. Country Director Jérôme Berson emphasized the localization of the initiative, stating: “I am convinced that the youth of Bangui, Sibut, and Kaga Bandoro will take ownership of this project.”. 

A photo of all the partners, ministry officials and DCA staff.

For more details on the launch, see the coverage here on national news.

Permettre à la jeunesse de la RCA de s’approprier son avenir politique !

Le bureau de DCA en RCA a récemment lancé à Sibut le projet “Les voies vers l’autonomisation : promouvoir la participation des jeunes marginalisés pour favoriser une culture pacifique et démocratique en RCA”. L’événement a été marqué par la présence de Lucienne Baka, Gouverneure de la Région, ainsi que de représentants clés des Ministères de la Jeunesse, de la Santé et des Affaires humanitaires, soulignant l’importance de l’autonomisation des jeunes dans les processus de paix et de gouvernance en RCA.

Cette initiative, financée par le Fonds des Nations Unies pour la consolidation de la paix (PBF) et mise en œuvre par DCA, en partenariat avec Conciliation Resources et des organisations locales, vise à renforcer le rôle des jeunes marginalisés – en particulier les jeunes femmes – dans la vie politique et civique. À travers des formations en leadership, la promotion de la paix et un soutien psychosocial, le projet cherche à lutter contre l’exclusion politique et à contribuer à une RCA plus stable et démocratique.

Avec les jeunes représentant plus d’un tiers de la population centrafricaine, leur engagement est essentiel pour briser les cycles de violence et favoriser une paix durable. Le lancement du projet a bénéficié d’une large couverture médiatique nationale, témoignant de l’ampleur du soutien à cette initiative. Jérôme Berson, Directeur Pays de DCA, a insisté sur l’appropriation locale du projet en déclarant :“Je suis convaincu que la jeunesse de Bangui, Sibut et Kaga Bandoro s’appropriera ce projet.”

Pour en savoir plus sur le lancement, consultez l’article ici.

Un immense merci à tous les partenaires et acteurs qui ont rendu cela possible. Cette initiative marque une étape clé vers une plus grande participation des jeunes à la construction de l’avenir de la RCA.

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