The sorghum stalks in 79-year-old Oboch Kadado’s compound sway lazily in the breeze, bending to the weight of the bulging sorghum flowers on them.
Even if the weather has been getting more and more extreme in South Sudan – and farmers rarely know whether they can reap what they sow – the sorghum harvest looks good this season. And that’s fortunate, explains Oboch: “Growing sorghum is important for our upkeep. It has been a challenging year, but the harvest looks better than expected. The maize on the other hand was affected by pests first and then a heavy rainfall that damaged the plants.”
Oboch’s household consists of 11 people. The compound they live in is on the outskirts of Pibor Post in an area called Kondado. The demarcation on all sides of the compound is made of sticks held together with blue nylon rope and plastic bags.

Displaced people turning farmland into suburb
A couple of years back it was open enough to keep cattle here and farm on a much larger scale. But the area is now growing into more of a residential suburb to Pibor Post. “We’ve had to make space for more family members coming here – and other people coming from the villages. It is too congested now,” Oboch laments and adds, “But even if we had all that land, we are old and cannot produce like we used to.”
Oboch stays here with the widows of his brothers who were both killed during a raid on their village. Oboch’s wife was kidnapped – and to this day he doesn’t know where she is.
He says that the intercommunal conflicts have had big consequences for his family, but they were relatively rare in his youth he says. Now things are complicated, and the raids are influenced by politics and larger interests – not just cattle, he says.
“Before the security situation was better but the attacks from our neighbours have led to displacement of many people from the villages to Pibor,” he says. And whereas moving to Pibor has meant relative safety for Oboch, he doesn’t live a life of plenty here.
“I am staying in a small and very basic hut. I am trying to put some poles to support it, but still my house is almost collapsing. And right now, I also don’t have anything to eat,” says Oboch.
Food and financial aid are lifelines
Oboch has received food from World Food Programme once – and in 2024 he received cash from the EU. DanChurchAid and Nile Hope deliver the cash from the EU to those who are most at risk as a bulwark against the ultimate consequences of the lack of food.
The money is unrestricted and can be used freely at the local markets – which in turn also stimulates the local market economy. In Pibor people are facing extreme food shortages – it’s an emergency that leads to malnutrition and disease. And worst case; death.
Oboch has received €90 EUROS three times in 2024. When Oboch receives cash, he gets visits from relatives in the village – even if it’s far away.
“They somehow always get wind of it when I have money, and they will arrive in town shortly after. So, I give them a little money too.”Oboch Kadado on his relatives who come to visit after cash distributions.
Helping relatives is not optional – and Oboch wants to help. And the amount has been enough to support more than just him, says Oboch – but inflation is working against him.
“What we have been getting used to be a good amount that could take you far – but the way prices are going up the value of the money has been going down. You can’t buy as much as you used to for the same money,” says Oboch.
From farmer to business owner
He figured that if he spent all the money at once, he would have nothing left – so he made a plan: “I decided to start a small shop to earn a little extra and stretch the money. I also get bored and don’t want to sleep all day – so now I tend to my shop and have something to do,” says Oboch.
The shop that he opened can fit on the seat of a blue plastic chair – and consists of lollipops and gumballs that he sells to children and others with a sweet tooth in the neighbourhood.

“It gives a small income. Before I couldn’t even afford to buy a cup of tea at the market, but once in a while, I can afford to do that now.”
A cup of tea at the market in town, costs around 1,000 South Sudanese Pounds or roughly €0.20 EURO.
About the intervention
Conflict has touched almost every corner of South Sudan and has led to displacement and hunger – and continues to do so. Now climatic changes are worsening the situation – and 75% of the South Sudanese population needs humanitarian aid.
With support from the EU, a consortium led by DanChurchAid in partnership with ChristianAid, Nile Hope, Africa Development Aid (ADA) and Universal Intervention and Development Organization (UNIDOR) provided life-saving support through the provision of cash and access to case management for survivors of Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) between February and November 2024.
Some 30,000 individuals were reached in Ulang, Fashoda, Ayod, Leer, and Greater Pibor Administrative Area – regions identified for their acute needs stemming from extreme food insecurity (IPC 4+), flooding, conflict, and returnee influxes.