DanChurchAid in Democratic Republic of Congo
Reducing the risk posed by mines and ERW in 3 provinces of Eastern DR Congo through Clearance and Risk Education.
DCA conducts Manual Mine Clearance (MMC), Technical Survey (TS), Non-Technical Survey (NTS), and Battle Area Clearance (BAC), thus increasing access to roads, rivers, schools and agricultural land enabling the beneficiaries to resume their farming activities and ensured freedom of movement
- DCA hasreleased 417,251 m2 of contaminated land.
- DCA has destroyed 1,887 mines and ERW, benefitting 414,256 people.
- DCA has conducted 937 mine risk education sessions, benefitting 59,639 people.
About the project
Period: 01 October 2019 – 31 December 2021
Donor: Danida