The SPREAD project straddles the borders between Ethiopia, Kenya and South Sudan where more than a dozen different pastoralist and agro-pastoralist groups live.
A competition for resources has always been part of the dynamics between these groups, but climate change has taken a toll on the already scarce resources resulting in a shortage of food, a lack of opportunities for young people, and an upsurge in the number of violent conflicts.
Strengthening Peace, REsilience, And Disaster reduction for cross-border communities in the Karamoja Cluster (SPREAD)
What is the Karamoja Cluster?
The project is implemented in Turkana (Kenya), Eastern Equatoria (South Sudan), and South Omo (Ethiopia) – three of the four areas that are collectively identified as the Karamoja Cluster.
Most communities here share same ethnic roots and language – and are strongly connected socially, culturally, and economically. But they often don’t see eye to eye.
The area is plagued by conflict and violence fuelled by traditions of cattle raids combined with increasingly limited access to water and pasture.

The Karamoja cluster is vulnerable to climate change and prone to severe drought.
As a consequence, livelihoods option are limited and the communities often lack food.
SPREAD focuses on making sure that food production is sufficient while increasing the capacity for entrepreneurship and income generation. All activities in SPREAD have an inbuilt focus on conflict resolution and peace.
The primary target groups are women and youth, traditional leaders, national and local authorities, as well as small business owners in the area who form the backbone of the local economies.
What does SPREAD do?
SPREAD works through local and national partners and engages a range of people and institutions to ensure broad support – from the individuals at household level to regional government structures, from private sector partners to community-based organisations – and many more.
The European Union and SPREAD
SPREAD is funded by the European Union that has supported peace-initiatives and resilience building projects in the Horn of Africa region since 2016.
The aim is to address long-standing drivers of conflict, while improving the livelihoods of communities living close to the borders.
The project activities are designed to include vulnerable members of the communities to ensure that they are afforded the same opportunities as everyone else – and we make sure that no harm comes to anyone because of our intervention.
The project pays special attention to areas of potential conflict – and ensures that activities are carried out in a way that minimizes the risk of conflict or hostilities.
Income generating activities are carried out based on thorough analysis of local markets with a view to creating a market space that can be accessed by all – including women and youth.
The main project interventions are:
- Capacity strengthening of communities and community groups to promote localised and inclusive initiatives that address cross-border conflict dynamics.
- Facilitating access to sustainable financial services and diversified income portfolio for marginalised cross-border communities.
- Strengthening inclusive and sustainable local and cross-border markets and value chains for agricultural commodities.
- Improving the capacity for cross-border communities on agro-ecology, integrated landscape management, sustainable shared natural resources management and disaster risk mitigaiton and response.
The Goals
- SPREAD aims to bolster conflict prevention in the pastoralist communities – to ensure that conflicts are effectively dealt with and ultimately that the root causes of conflict are addressed so that conflict does not happen.
- SPREAD assists local communities – including local leaders and government structures – to prepare for and manage natural disasters to minimise the impact of them on the lives and livelihoods of people in the region.
- SPREAD creates resilient communities that are more financially robust, who have several sources of income, and who employ sustainable farming practices.
The consortium
SPREAD is implemented by seven organisations across the three countries.

DanChurchAid lead on work related to resilience building while SaferWorld carries the peacebuilding work.
SPREAD has a strong focus on localisation. National partners in the three countries will work closely with the local communities with a special focus on women and youth, traditional leaders, national and local authorities, as well as small business owners in the area who form the backbone of the local economies.
They are:
- Root Of Generations (ROG), South Sudan
- Integrated Community Peace and Development Organisation (ICPDO), South Sudan
- Ethiopian Catholic Church Social and Development Commission (ECC- SDCO), Ethiopia
- Agency for Cross Border Pastoralists Development (APAD),Kenya

The potential
The area where SPREAD is implemented offers various opportunities – livestock trade, agroecology, fish trade and value addition – that can all be harnessed for wealth creation, improved relations, and peace.
In addition, the region has a rich and varied cultural heritage and potential for tourism.
About SPREAD: Peace & Resilience
- Full title: “Strengthening integrated Peace, Resilience and Disaster Risk Reduction for cross-border communities in the Karamoja Cluster.”
- Timeframe: 1 February 2024 – 31 January 2027
- Budget: €16 million EURO
- Donors: European Union (€14M), DANIDA
- People targeted: 80,000
- Locations: South Omo (Ethiopia), Turkana (Kenya), Eastern Equatoria (South Sudan)

Consortium Manager: Richard Onyancha