The Issue
East Jerusalem’s economy is isolated from the West Bank due to the imposed fragmentation from Israeli authorities, leading to the Palestinian Authority’s inability to operate in East Jerusalem. It is also separated from the Israeli economy, which creates a difficult economic atmosphere and uniquely complicated politics. This local context means that the governate of Jerusalem is marginalized, and that the community living there is considered fragile. Faced with economic hardship and high unemployment rates, Palestinian youth in East Jerusalem are suffering from a lack of sustainable and enabling environments tailored for their needs, potential, and visions.
The Project

Station J is an interactive Innovation Hub where Palestinian youth in East Jerusalem gather in a co-working space to undergo trainings, workshops, and be part of a larger entrepreneurial network with access to economic opportunities such as seed-funding, capacity strengthening, and more. By being part of such an enabling environment, young Palestinians find themselves to be supported in entrepreneurial processes such as for business start-ups and expansions.
The Change
Through Station J, young Palestinians are met with access to economic and employment opportunities. They are included in entrepreneurial fora and presented with various economic opportunities including access to seed-funding and internships.
The Hub has created an enabling environment where young people are not only introduced to relevant workshops and skill capacity building, but also have a day-to-day meeting point as part of their shared co-working space.

The Results
In 2024, approximately 1500 youth attended workshops, trainings, and events organised and hosted by Station J to improve their market-relevant skills, entrepreneurial work, and economic/employment opportunities. Station J has continued to implement a range of impactful initiatives focused on youth empowerment, skill development, and community engagement in Jerusalem. Recent highlights include the successful launch of new program phases, the procurement of the innovative mobile training facility “the Station J on Wheels”, and the completion of exposure visits and training sessions. These efforts have engaged youths and female business owners, supported career guidance and internship opportunities, and laid the groundwork for future capacity-building activities across Jerusalem and its surrounding areas.
More information about the project can be found on Station J’s website.
Our Partner

DCA and NCA work with Palestinian Vision (PalVision) to implement the project. PalVision is a Palestinian youth organisation with the mission to “mobilize and empower Palestinian youth to achieve their aspiration, preserve their collective identity and initiate youth-led sustainable development through voluntarism, social activism, entrepreneurship, lobbying and advocacy, on a local, national, and international level”.
Our Work
DCA and NCA work in Palestine to support Palestinian communities in Gaza and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem to be economically and socially resilient and active participants in decision making processes affecting their lives. This includes advocating for respect for international humanitarian law, human rights and a just peace.
About the project
Full title: Innovation Hub East Jerusalem – Station J
Period: January 2024 – December 2024
(Former Project Period: January 2023 – December 2023)
Partner: Palestinian Vision (PalVision)
Funding: USD 50,880
Number of people reached: 1500 directly reached (2024)
Main Donors: Norad