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Uwajibikaji na Maendeleo (Accountability for development)

Enhancing communities and rights holders’ capacity for accountability and advocacy, particularly on issues related to climate change and disaster

© Bax Lindhardt

The issue

Baringo and Elgeyo Marakwet counties in Kenya experience challenges ranging from inaccessible quality health and education services, negative effects of climate change, conflict and insecurity. Some of the problems are attributed to poor governance, inadequate disbursement of national funds to respective county governments, and low public involvement in key decision-making processes.

Further, in the last two years, there have been delayed disbursements to county governments affecting development projects across the country, minimal prioritization of such projects by duty bearers, and inadequate participation/ demand for accountability by right holders.A combination of these factors has led projects stalling, poor delivery of services, and a general decline in the quality of life.

The negative effects are felt amongst communities in the counties, more so due to the compounded effects of climate change and insufficient planning with a focus on climate change adaptation and mitigation initiatives. The climate change manifestations are decreased rainfall amounts, erratic and unreliable rains, increasing temperature, and increased frequency of droughts and floods over time.

The causes of these phenomenon are associated with human activities such as deforestation, charcoal burning, overstocking, inadequate conservation of soil and water, and massive deforestation in the county as well as other counties that serve as catchment areas for the region. These activities have resulted in the drying of wells and rivers; frequent droughts and floods; erratic and unreliable rains; soil degradation causing the formation of deep gullies; the emergence of new diseases and pests.

The project

In recognition of the huge impact of climate change, lack of responsive budget making, lack of transparency and accountability in the use of public resources, DCA has partnered with the National Council of Churches in Kenya (NCCK) to implement the Uwajibikaji na Maendeleo (Accountability for development) project.

The project, which is being implemented between January 2023 – December 2024, aims at enhancing communities and rights holders’ capacity for accountability and advocacy, particularly on issues related to climate change and disaster risk reduction. The project builds on a previous intervention implemented by NCCK and funded by Danida through DCA.

The change

By December 2024, DCA & NCCK anticipate that the capacity of individuals and communities in Baringo and Elgeyo Marakwet to plan, develop and implement local Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and climate resilient interventions will be strengthened.

Further, NCCK will lead eight structured advocacy forums and engagements between right holders and duty bearers at county and national levels on climate change, DRR, and emerging community felt needs and priorities. The structured advocacy will lead to public budgeting that meets the needs of communities and individuals as occasioned by climate change, and disaster risk reduction.

Institutionally, DCA anticipates that there will be operationalization of Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) in the course of NCCK’s programming, through the implementation of a project Accountability Improvement Plan (AIP).

By December 2024, it is anticipated that the following groups in 70 wards of Baringo and Elgeyo Marakwet Counties will be reached:

  • 150 community champions from Baringo and Elgeyo Marakwet counties.
  • 720 community members.
  • 60 congregations of approximately 100 persons.
  • 10 million Kenyans through local and social media campaigns.
  • 130 NCCK staff.
  • 200 religious leaders.

Implementing partner

NCCK is a membership organization that brings together 29 Protestant Member Churches and 18 Christian-based organizations in Kenya. It was founded in 1913 to provide churches with a common platform for addressing issues facing the Kenyan citizenry.

NCCK has a presence across Kenya, with fully staffed secretariats in nine regions. The Council has a very strong grassroots structure comprised of designated project staff, religious leaders, youth, women, and persons with disability representatives together with community resource persons (organizers and champions), who are directly involved in the implementation of the project.

In the past few years, NCCK has implemented interventions on climate change governance in the two target counties focused on building the capacity of community members to participate in governance processes, advocating and championing local initiatives, implementing saving lives activities through cash transfers to vulnerable households, and improving livelihoods of community members by giving farm inputs for agricultural purposes.

About the project

Exact/full title: Uwajibikaji na Maendeleo (Accountability for development).

Period: January 2023 – December 2024

Amount:  DKK 1,542, 056

SDGs: The project focuses on SDG 13: Swift action to combat climate change, by building up and strengthening communities’ resilience to climate-related natural disasters; SDG 16: Peaceful, inclusive communities to promote sustainable development. In addition, the project will contribute to SDG 1: No Poverty and SDG 2: Zero Hunger by promoting alternative options for providing an income and livelihood, as well as the goal of including everyone (leaving no one behind).

Donor(s): Danida

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