Through a consolidated partnership model, the SFP brings together local producers with global partners including two of the world’s leading food ingredient companies; Arla Foods Ingredients and Novozymes. Led by DCA, the partnership takes on an integrated value chain development approach and incorporates responsible business conduct as enablers to develop sustainable SDG2 business models for replication and scale. Furthermore, the partnership will innovate the food production and market systems for bottom-of-the pyramid consumers in refugee and host communities, where the need for nutritious food and income generation is immense.
Expected Impacts
Upstream: sustainable sourcing model for smallholder production, processing and marketing of chickpea, quinoa or other nutritious grains as ingredients in healthy snacks and market linkages with local food processing factories such as Moya food Complex.
Mid-stream: co-creation and innovation around a nutritious, affordable, and healthy biscuit produced by local manufacturers designed with the ambition to scale through SME capacity building and local/global knowledge sharing. It is estimated that production of the new, healthy biscuit produced by local manufacturers will amount to a potential of up to 24 million biscuits per year.
Down-stream: value proposition, marketing and distribution pilots in two test markets – urban, commercial outlets and refugee/host communities targeting up to 65,000 household members via DCA local market food systems.
Commercial Partners: Moya Food Complex, Novozymes A/S, Arla Foods Ingredients, ENGSKO and GC Rieber Compact
Non-Commercial Partners: BoP Innovation Center (Bopinc)