“We will celebrate tonight”

With support from EU, DCA and partners assist some 21,000 displaced people in South Sudan with cash - and Nyaleak Yar is one.

© Rikke Christiansen

DCA South Sudan

As the morning sun rises over the fields of Leer in Unity State, 48-year-old Nyaleak Yar feels a deep sense of joy. With eight mouths to feed at home, life is often a daily struggle, but today is different.

Multi-purpose Cash Assistance

Cash distribution in Ulang, Upper Nile. Multi-purpose cash is money given to people facing a humanitarian crisis to cover their basic needs.

Read more about the project.

Thanks to the ECHO-funded project “Saving Lives and Enhancing Food Security,” implemented by consortium lead DCA and partner ChristianAid, in collaboration with South Sudanese organisations Nile Hope, Africa Development Aid (ADA), and UNIDOR, Nyaleak is receiving much-needed cash support. 

Every day, she diligently tends to her garden, nurturing okra, maize, and groundnuts, but even her best efforts often fall short of keeping her children fed.

This multi-purpose cash programming, aimed at assisting internally displaced people and people returning across Unity, Upper Nile, Jonglei States, and the Greater Pibor Administrative Area in South Sudan, provides Nyaleak with the means to buy food and cover her family’s basic needs.  

With the cash in hand, Nyaleak eagerly plans to purchase sorghum for her family. “My family will be very happy when I return with this money. I am very happy,” she says, her face lit up with a smile as she counts the money carefully before heading home. 

As she walks towards the exit of the compound where the cash distribution took place, she shares her excitement:

“We will celebrate tonight.”  

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