Nepal All About Anticipatory Action: Lessons from Mahakali Basin for UpscalingLearnings for refining future efforts and scaling up the anticipatory action approach on humanitarian and development context. Kenya Empowering women to fight and prevent gender based violence.Women empowerment through mentorship and economic support. Nepal Innovation Saves Lives: DCA’s Early Warning System in NepalWhen extreme floods hit Nepal in 2024, disaster was imminent. But thanks to a new innovation by DCA Innovation Fund, no lives were lost. Palestine Handling Explosive Threats in GazaDelivering trainings and education on handling explosive remnants of war in Gaza Nepal Sarathi: A Community-Driven Approach to Disaster Resilience and Inclusion in NepalBuilding resilience in Nepal through early warning, adaptation, and inclusion in the face of large-scale climate-induced floods. Zimbabwe Building Resilient Urban Communities in the face of Climate ChangeThe effects of drought on urban resilience in at-risk communities in Zimbabwe is dire, leaving many communities poorer than they were. CAR Restoring Hope and ResilienceEmpowering Survivors of Violence in Kémo, CAR Zimbabwe Growing the next generation of conservationistsDCA Zimbabwe is shaping the future of conservation one young mind at a time through school conservation clubs. South Sudan Enhancing Community Agency to Transform Waste to Value Through InnovationPrecious Plastic Innovation Project – Juba, South Sudan News Ukraine: This Is How We HelpThousands of Ukrainian families endure the war. We provide support, restore water, demining and mine awareness in Mykolaiv and Kherson regions. 1 2 3 … 39