Main activities
DCA has been working in the Central African Republic since 2015, focusing on improving the resilience of the Central African communities affected by the ongoing conflict. This goes through a combination of Humanitarian Needs response, Mine Action, Social Cohesion, Protection and Livelihoods activities.
Programme goal and objectives
DCA started its response in Central African Republic by supporting communities exposed to risks caused by Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) and Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW), armed violence and extreme poverty, through a combination of humanitarian mine action and protection. Our current work in Central African Republic focuses more on social cohesion, conflict prevention, peacebuilding, humanitarian aid (livelihoods, mental health and psychosocial support and some other emergency needs).
The goal of DCA in the Central African Republic, in a mid-term basis, is to contribute to building safer communities by ensuring vulnerable and displaced people are safe and withstand shocks and crisis, by restoring community dialogue structures and supporting peace and protection strategies within social groups. Or even that communities in post-crisis and fragile contexts are self-reliant in relative peace.
Scope of the programmes
Since 2015, DCA seeks to contribute to a Central African Republic where there is a dynamic and accountable engagement of civil society. DCA has continuously adapted the structures of its programmes for ensuring effective access to protection and live-saving assistance to IDPs and host communities in times of crisis by providing cash, food assistance and protection intervention to the most vulnerable. This increases the beneficiaries’ opportunities to return to a safe and dignified life. The organisation also strengthens the resilience, and self-reliance of the most vulnerable and conflict-affected people, with a special focus on internally displaced people (IDP’s) and host communities.
DCA Central African Republic (CAR) in numbers
5 projects implemented
117,822 beneficiaries in 2020
3,200,000 EUR turnover in 2021
- DCA Central African Republic (CAR) Fact Sheet (PDF)
- DCA Fact Sheet (PDF)
Learn more about DCA in Central African Republic (CAR)
DCA operations in Central African Republic (CAR) are supported by Danida, European Union, Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), UNICEF and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Contact DanChurchAid in Central African Republic
DanChurchAid Central African Republic
Relais SICA1 – rue d’Uzes
No 1.087 (rue en face de I ’école Galaxy)
1er Arrondissement, Bangui.
Country Director
Jerome Berson